"Good you're awake." He mused as he looked down at my glaring face. "That's your cue," he gestured to the woman. "Begin the procedure, darling."

"Yes, Kaden." She nodded before picking up a gun-looking tool from the table. She placed a lime green vile into the weapon and then turned my head roughly away from her. I growled at her, struggling against the bindings on my wrists. "This will just hurt for a moment. Then you'll behave." She grunted, holding me down. I growled in fear, yanking at my bonds with all of my strength. The woman brought the gun to the back of my neck and pulled the trigger, shooting the green object into me and sending a surge through my body. I cursed out in pain and all of my struggling ceased for a moment. 

The woman stepped away from me, an accomplished grin covering her face as she looked at my hard expression. "It is done, sir." She said still grinning like a psychopath. 

"Very good." he mused as his eyes grazed over me. "Now get out." he barked rudely to the woman.

"Yes. Kaden, Sir." she said timidly before rushing out. He looked at me once more before he followed her out, slamming the door closed. I was alone now in the room to attempt my escape. I ripped at the cuffs for about 10 minutes before they finally gave way and I was free at last. I slid off of the long metal table and approached the closed door cautiously. My head spun as I tried to stay focused.

I opened the metal door, peering out to examine the outside hallway. There was nobody in sight down the dark hallway. I raced down the hallway towards the flashing red EXIT sign. I pushed through the door, suddenly surrounded by cold outside air. I kept running through the dark night. I heard shouting from behind me, signalling they had spotted me. 

I kept a good pace, feeling the freezing air as it burned through my lungs. I had been running for a good ten minutes now and I heard no footsteps following me. I finally brought my run down to a light jog and then a walk. I panted loudly as I gripped my knees for a minute. The moon was lighting up the forest very beautifully, dancing off of the fallen leaves and creating a nice picture that I would usually find scary. But this darkness wasn't scary. It was calming. I walked through the forest once again, only I was completely alone.

My pace remained at a walk for about twenty minutes until I stopped in my tracks at the sound of footsteps. I listened carefully as I heard voices. I moved closer to the voices, finally reaching a clearing where I saw her. She trudged through the woods with another man. My heart jumped in jealousy that he was standing next to her.

"Careful!" the man yelled picking her up by her waist and moving her to the other side of him just in time for her ankle to barely miss a large bear trap. "These woods are rigged with traps," he warned with a flirty smile.

She walked closely to him, her features perfectly illuminated by the moonlight. It was an early night, as the sun had just recently set not but five minutes before I was able to escape those men. 

"It's getting late, Russell are we there yet?" Alex whined like a child to the man called Russell. Even his name sounded cringy. 

"Almost. Are you scared of the dark?" He joked as he poked her in the side.

"No" I defended myself as I giggled at him. 

I let out a loud roar in anger from his flirting. Alex jumped in fear, grabbing Russell for support. He chuckled at her and grabbed her hand that was clinching his arm tightly. I growled again as she whipped around, her beautiful hazel eyes finally setting on me giving me instant relief. 

-end flashback-

I sat against the wall of the cold cell in defeat, taking in the cold air. I was in a huge room that contained many wooden cages all lined up like a pound. The floor was made of cement and the walls were dripping with water and the whole room smelled of stale blood. The door to the massive room suddenly slammed open and a woman was dragged into the room and then roughly thrown into the wooden cage next to me by Dylan, the second in command. Dylan was actually kind to me, he would sometimes give me his leftover bread when he was guarding me. Tonight his face did not show the same kindness as usual. Instead, he wore a grim expression as he tossed the woman in the cage and locked it swiftly before leaving the room completely. 

I looked over at the woman as he scrambled to her feet, her hair covered her face when she sat up. When she moved her hair I recognized her. 

"Hey Kitten." I managed to ring, hiding the fact that I was excited to see her. I tried to seem relaxed as I sat on the floor of the cell clutching my arm. Her face turned towards me, her hazel eyes lighting up at the sight of me. 

"Tyler!" She squealed, stumbling to her feet before scrambling over to where our cages met. 


HEY! So i thought I would write a chapter about Tyler! What did you think? Let me know in the comments and don't forget to push that vote button so I know ;)

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