I Wish I Never Came Home

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I Wish I Never Came Home




We got on the plane an hour ago to go home. Regan fell asleep on the couch because she didn't get a lot of sleep last night. Neither of us did if you know what I mean.

I thought she would sleep for awhile so I looked through files and paperwork. After three hours, I felt her wrap her arms around my shoulders from behind. She said "you need some rest. After all, you haven't gotten much sleep the last couple of nights." I smiled and said "neither have you." She shrugged and said "so, come rest with me." I got out of my seat and she led me to the master bedroom. I removed my jacket and my tie before laying down with her. She said "go to sleep. You need it." I sighed and said "okay." I pulled her to my chest and fell into a deep sleep.

I woke up before Regan did. Her head was on my shoulder and my arms were around her. We had thirty minutes till landing so I kissed her forehead and said "Regan, wake up." She snuggled closer to me and her eyes fluttered open. I asked "did you sleep well?" She nodded and asked "what about you?" I said "yes."

When we landed I threw our suitcases in the back of my car. I started driving towards my apartment and she asked "where are we going?" He smiled at her and said "my place." Regan giggled and said "Damian, I have to go home." I said "please, I'm not trying to be clingy. I'm just not ready for you to go home yet." She leaned over and kissed my cheek. She said "fine."

Once we got to my apartment, she took off her shoes and sat in the chair in front of the T.V. She put up her feet and sighed. I asked "are you comfy?" She nodded with a smile on her face and asked "so, what are we going to do?" I said "how about we watch a movie." Regan said "okay."

We looked through all of my movies and when she came across The Notebook, she asked "you own The Notebook?" I nodded and she said "I never would have thought you owned this movie." I smiled and said "neither did my sister." Regan giggled and said "lets watch it."

When we got to the part where Noah rights all of those letters to Allie, Regan asked "would you do that for me?" I said "yeah but instead of one letter a day, I would right you two." She asked "why two?" I kissed the tip of her nose and said "because I love you that much." She whispered "I love you too."




After watching The Notebook, we looked through Netflix on the Wii. We watched Safe Haven and Dear John. Once Dear John was over, I said "I need to go home." I heard snoring as a reply. I looked up at Damian and found him asleep. I moved so I was straddling him and I kissed his lips. He wrapped his arms around my waist and groaned. I pulled away and said "I need to go home Damian." He whispered "five more minutes." I laughed and said "Damian, I'm serious. I have to go home. I told Ryder I would be home two hours ago." Damian sighed and said "fine, but you have to spend the night with me at least one night this week." I smiled and said "okay."

Damian drove me home and insisted on carrying my suitcase up to my apartment. When I opened the door, I found all three of my brothers sitting on the couch glaring at something. I asked "hey guys, what's wrong?" They all looked towards me with worried expressions. I kept walking towards them and I repeated "what's wrong with you guys?" After I said that I heard a voice say "hello Regan." I haven't heard that voice in a year. It's one that I've grown to hate.

It was Noah's.

I turned around to face him and he had the nerve to smile at me. I said "get out." He asked "you wouldn't kick your one and true love out of your apartment, would you?" I said "of course not. I would never kick Damian out of my apartment. Now get the fuck out!"

Noah's smile faded and was replaced with anger. He asked "who the fuck is Damian?" Damian wrapped his arms around my waist and said "I am." Noah yelled "get your fucking hands off of my girl." I said "I stopped being your girl the minute I found you in my bed having sex with one of my best friends!" He said "just because I slept with one of your best friends doesn't mean you can leave me. Now come on. I'm taking you back to Minnesota." Noah reached for my arm and Damian stepped in front of me. Damian said "you're not taking my girlfriend anywhere. Now I suggest you leave before I beat the shit out of you."

Noah glared at Damian one last time before leaving. Damian turned around and asked "who the hell was that?" My brothers got up and left to give us privacy. I said "that was Noah, my ex." Damian asked "what happened between you two?" I said "he cheated on me. I found him in bed with one of my best friends. I threw her out of my house when I found them and I got into a huge argument with Noah which ended with him smacking me around. I was just luck Ryder walked in when he did because if he hadn't I might not be standing here today. I was in the hospital for two weeks and we left for Seattle the day I got released. He's also part of the reason why we moved here."

Tears were streaming down my face by the time I was done telling him about Noah. Damian pulled me into a hug and said "well you don't have to worry about me cheating on you or smacking you around. I love you with all my heart and I would never hurt you." I whispered "I wish I just stayed at your apartment tonight. I wish I never came home."  

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