You Don't Have To Be Jealous

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You Don't Have To Be Jealous



I'm happy! My friend Zach finally got here to Seattle this morning! A year ago when all of us moved here, Zach wasn't able to move here with us but now he is. He just got here with some of his stuff this morning and my friends and I are taking him out to lunch today. My friends are coming to get me at eleven-thirty and it's eleven-fifteen now.

I was finishing up a few things before my friends showed up when Damian's brothers walked in with a girl that looked a lot like them. I'm guessing she's their sister Lucy. When David saw me he yelled "Regan, it's so nice to see you!" I said "it's nice to see you too David!" He walked around my desk and hugged me and Derek did the same. David said "Regan, this is our sister Lucy." Lucy said "it's nice to meet you Regan." I smiled and said "it's nice to meet you too."

Damian walked out of his office and said "hey guys!" Derek said "hey, grab your coat, we're taking you out to lunch!" Damian smiled and said "okay, just give me a minute." David asked "do you want to go to lunch with us Regan?" I said "I'd love to but I can't. My friends are taking me out to lunch." David asked "next time?" I smiled at him and said "definitely next time."

After my small conversation with Damian's brothers and his sister they followed Damian into his office.Daniel and Zach walked in and said "hey Regan!" I walked around my desk and hugged Zach and said "I can't believe you're here!" He smiled and said "yep, and I'm here to stay." I said "just let me grab my coat and my purse and we can leave."


When we got to the restaurant, I heard a familiar laugh. I looked across the restaurant and found Regan with her friends. She was sitting between two guys and I have to admit, I got jealous.

During lunch, I couldn't pay attention to what my siblings were talking about bacause I was too focused on Regan. When my brother waved his hand in front of my face I turned towards him. I had been staring at her for a very long time. He asked "what's up with you, you've been staring off." I looked to Regan then back to Derek. He looked over and saw Regan with the two guys and smirked. He asked "is someone jealous?" I said "shut up" and finished my lunch.

I got back to the office before Regan. When she got back I kept my eye on the guys she was with. She hugged them and kissed their cheeks. But what caught me off guard was when she said "love you guys." What made me even more jealous was when they said it back.

After they left I called her into my office. I said "I need you to stay here and work late tonight." Her smile faded and I asked "is that a problem?" She shook her head and said "no it's not a problem. I can work late tonight."


After Damian told me he needed me to work late, I called Jessica and asked her to pick up Alex and Jasmine and stay with them until I could leave work.

I was going through files on my desk when Jonathan walked into my office. I smiled and asked "what are you doing here?" I stood up and gave him a hug. He handed me an envelope and said "here is a check. I figured that since you're taking care of Alex and Jasmine that you wouuld need a little extra money." I kissed my brother's cheek and said "thank you." He chuckled and said "I'm the one who should be thanking you." He kissed my forehead and said "I should get back to work. I love you sis." I smiled and said "love you too."

I was suppose to leave work three and a half hours ago. It's now eight o'clock and its dark outside. I'm now sitting in Damian's office reading through a contract. Neither one of us has spoken in the last hour so he surprised me when he asked "who were those guys you went to lunch with?" I asked "why do you want to know?" Damian isn't my most favorite person right now if you didn't notice. He looked up at me and said "just answer the question." I said "if you must know, those guys that I went to lunch with are my friends." He asked "what are their names?" I set the contract down on his desk and stood up. I asked "why should I tell you?"

I walked over to the mini fridge he had in his office and grabbed a bottle of water. He said "just tell me their names." I said "no, what if my friends don't want me going around giving out their names." He stood up and slammed the file folder down on his desk. He yelled "tell me their names!" I set the water bottle down on the counter and asked "why are you acting like this?" He walked around his desk towards me as I started to say "I don't know what's wrong with you today. It's almost as if you're jealo-"

I never finished my sentence because he smashed his lips to mine. He had one hand on my hip and the other cupped the side of my face. I was shocked at first but I soon found my lips moving in sync with his. I moved my arms around his neck as he lifted me off the ground. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he deepened the kiss.

When he pulled away he said "I am jealous. I like you a lot Regan and I don't want you around any other guys." I smiled and whispered "you don't need to be jealous when I'm around those two." He asked "why not." I said "becuase those two guys are my friends Daniel and Zach and plus they're both gay." He sighed in relief and put his forehead up against mine. He asked "what about the other guy that was here today?" I asked "what other guy?" He said "the guy that showed up after you got back from lunch." I threw my head back and laughed. Damain asked "what's so funny?" I said "that was my brother Jonathan."

Damian was speechless. When he finally smiled at me he said "well I feel really stupid now." I unwrapped my legs from his waist and slid down his body. I said "like I said before, you don't need to be jealous when I'm around them."

He smiled down at me and said "now that we've gotten that out of the way, will you make me the happiest man in the world and go on a date with me tomorrow night?" I cupped his face with my hands and went up on my tip toes to kiss him. I said "yes I'll go on a date with you."

I'm pretty sure that one of those walls around my heart just came crumbling down.

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