Black Tie Event

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Black Tie Event



Today can't get any longer. When the clock on my computer finally turned to four-thirty, I got up and put on my coat to leave. While I was shutting down my computer Mr. Jameson poked his head out of his office. He asked "are you going home?" I turned my head towards him and said "yep." He asked "can I see you in my office before you leave?" I nodded my head and said "yes."

After I shut down my computer I grabbed my purse and walked into his office. He said "tomorrow night I have this black tie event thing to go to and I really don't want to go alone." I asked "and?" He smiled and asked "I was wondering if you would like to go with me?" I asked "are we like going as co-workers." He stood up from his chair and said "I was thinking more like friends." I smiled and said "I'll let you know by tonight." He said "that's fine."

I left work and picked up Alex and Jasmine from daycare. When I got home and changed out of my work clothes and called Jessica. She answered and said "hey, whats up?" I said "I need your help with something. Can you come over tonight?" She said "yeah, I'll be there in fifteen minutes."

When she got here she asked "what do you need my help with?" I said "well first, I need to know if you can watch Alex and Jasmine tomorrow night?" She said "yeah sure." I smiled and said "my boss wants me to go to a black tie event with him tomorrow night and I need your help with picking out what to wear." She smiled at me and said "your boss totally likes you." I giggled and said "oh my gosh! Just help me pick out something to wear!"

It took us two hours but we finally decided on my plain black strapless floor-length gown with silver peep toe heels. As Jessica was leaving she said "so I'll pick up Alex and Jasmine after daycare and keep them with me until the morning after." I smiled and said "thank you so much." She said "it's no problem. You have fun at your black tie event and I'll see you later."

Once Jessica was gone and the kids were in bed I turn on my computer and emailed Damian and I told him that I would go to the black tie event with him. He replied back imediatly and said that he would be here to pick me up at eight.


When Regan emailed me and said that she would go to the balck tie event with me, I could not stop smiling. After work today, I went home and took a shower and put on my black Armani tux. I grabbed a tie from my closet and tried tying it. Usually I can tie my tie with out anyone's help but my tie was being stupid and would not tie right. I threw my tie over my shoulder and walked out to my car.

When I got to Regan's place, I knocked on her door and she yelled "just a minute!" When she opened the door, she was puting on her earings. She smiled and said "hi, come in. I'll just be another minute." She was wearing a black dress that showed off some of her curves. She looked great. Her hair was up and she had on a dimond neclace that matched her earings and braclet. She put on her shoes and asked "ready?" I shook my head slightly and asked "actually could you do my tie. I couldn't tie it at home." She smiled and grabbed my tie from my shoulder. When she was done I said "thank you."

When we got there, I walked around my car and opened her door for her. I linked our arms together as we walked inside. We mingled with some of the other couples that were invited before I led her over to the bar. I said "I'm gonna need something to drink if I'm gonna get through the rest of this." She giggled and said "it isn't that bad." I smiled at her and said "to me it is."

After my drink we left the bar. When my brothers found me, I mentally slapped myself in the face because I knew they were gonn ask questions about Regan. My brother David said "hey man, we didn't think you were gonna show." Derek said "what he means is he didn't think you were gonna show." I chuckled and said "Regan this is my older brother Derek and this is my younger brother David." They shook her hand and said "nice to meet you." David asked "so are you guys like a thing?" I shook my head and said "no we're just friends." David smirked and said "then you won't mind if I go after her." Regan let out a little laugh. David asked "would you care to dance with me Regan?" She said "sure."

Once David pulled her out onto the dance floor, Derek asked "where did you meet Regan." I looked at him and said "she's my new assistant." Derek waggled his eyebrows and said "ooooohhhh you like her don't you?!!!!!" I smiled and said "maybe." Derek said "well if you do like her, you might want to steel her back from David." I said "will do." Derek said "see you do like her!" I turned around and said "shut up."

I went up to David and Regan and asked "may I cut in?" David handed Regan over to me and whispered in my ear "you're a lucky bastard." I let out a laugh and Regan asked "what did he say?" I smiled at her and said "nothing important."

We danced for a couple songs and talked about stupid stuff. When her phone started ringing, she pulled her phone out of her clutch and said "I have to take this." She walked off and I went to find my brothers. When I found them I said to David "I know I'm a lucky bastard." He laughed and said "she really is your type. I'm happy for you." I smiled and said "yeah but we're not together." Derek muttered "yet" before taking a sip of his drink. David started laughing and high fived Derek. I said "I'm gonna go find Regan and I think we're gonna leave so I'll see you guys later."

Regan was hanging up her phone as I found her. I asked "are you ready to leave?" She said "yeah I'm getting tired."

I took her home and walked her up to her appartment. She said "I had a great time tonight." I said "thank you for coming with me." She said "you're welcome. I'll see you on Monday." I said "see you Monday."

With that, she closed the door to her appartment and I went home.

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