What Are We?

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What Are We?



It's wednesday and that means that after today I only have to work two more days and then I get the weekend off. Damian has taken me on three dates since last friday when he first asked me out and he taking me on another one tonight.

Around four o'clock, Damian called me into his office. I sat in one of the chairs infrot of hid desk and waited for him to speak. He looked up at me and smiled. He walked around his desk and sat infront of me. He said "there is a slight change in our plans tonight." I asked "okay, what is it?" He said "I can't come pick you up at seven because I'll be in a meeting so I'm going to pick you up at eight-thirty." I smiled and asked "is that it?" He nodded. I got up and turned towards the door. Damian cleared his throat and asked "aren't you forgetting something?" I turned back around and found him with a grin plastered on his face. I went back over to him a tried pecking his lips but he had other intentions. He wrapped his arms tightly around my waist and deepened the kiss. When he pulled away he said "that's more like it." I grinned and turned towards the door to leave. As I was walking out of his office I made sure to sway my hips more than usually.

I left the office at four-thirty and went to get Alex and Jasmine. Jessica showed up at my place around six-thirty. Jessica helped me pick out an outfit and I was ready to go before eight-thirty.



I showed up at Regan's apartment at eight-twenty. I knocked on the door and heard someone yell "coming!" The door opened, but it wasn't Regan that opened it. The girl said "hi, I'm Jessica. Regan will be ready in a minute." Just then Regan came around the corner wearing skinny jeans, a navy blue hoodie, and boots. She grabbed a couple things from her purse and walked towards me. I asked "ready?" She nodded and said "yep." I heard Jessica yell "you two have fun" as we were walking down the hallway.

We got in my car and she asked "so where are we going?" I grabbed her hand and brought it up to my lips. I said "it's a surprise." I drove us to a restaurant by the beach. They seated us on the patio outside and we could see the waves crashing on the shore.

The waiter brought us our drinks and took our order. While we were waiting for our food I asked her "so when do I get to meet your brothers?" She smiled and asked "why do you want to meet them?" I grinned and said "well you've already met my siblings so it only seems fair that I get to meet yours." She giggled and said "okay, you can meet my brothers. But I'm warning you, they're a little over protective." I raised an eyebrow and asked "a little?" She sighed and said "okay, they're way over protective."

The waiter brought us our food and we made small conversation while eating. After eating and paying the bill, I got up and held out my hand for Regan to take. She took my hand and I pulled her down to the beach. She asked "what are we doing down here?" I sat down on the ground and patted the space in front of me. I smiled up at her and said "sit with me." She sat in between my legs and I wrapped my arms around her. I sighed and said "this is nice." She said "yeah.......it is."

We sat in silence for awhile. Since it's November, it's starting to get colder outside so when she started shivering I asked "is it getting too cold." She shook her head no. I kissed her cheek and said "come on, your starting to shiver." I helped her up and threw my arm around her shoulder as we walked back up to the restaurant.

When we got back to her apartment building, I walked with her to her door. She unlocked the door too her place and said "I had a great time tonight." I smiled down at her and said "so did I." I leaned down and kissed her lips. When I pulled away I said "you know, we've been on four dates and you've never invited me in to your apartment."


Damian said "you know, we've been on four dates and you've never invited me into your apartment."

There's a reason I haven't invited him into my apartment. I didn't want him to know about Alex and Jasmine living with me because then I would have to tell him what's going on with my brother and Ali. I guess I have to tell him now. I can't really hide this from him if we're dating. Are we dating? We haven't really talked about if we're boyfriend and girlfriend or not.

I opened the door and smiled at him. I said "well come in then." I walked inside and heard the kids screaming. I found Jessica chasing them around in the living room. Jessica looked at me and asked "so how was your date?" Damian put his arm around me and said "great, thank you." I asked Alex and Jasmine "shouldn't you two be in bed by now?" Alex stood on the couch so he was almost the same height as me. He had a smile plastered on his face as he said "we're not tired, Jessica gave us candy so we could stay awake longer!" I glared at Jessica. She was already putting on her shoes and grabbing her purse. She said "good luck" and ran out the door."

I looked back at Alex and said "you and Jasmine need to go change into your pajamas." He jumped off the couch and ran down the hallway with Jasmine behind him. Once they were gone Damian said "they going to be up late tonight." I smiled and said "it already is late." He asked "those are your brother's kids right?" I nodded my head. He asked "are they spending the night tonight or something?" I nodded again. He asked "shouldn't they be with your brother since it's the middle of the week?" I said "they should be." He asked "what do you mean?" I sighed and said "my brother and his ex-wife's divorce was final five weeks ago. Now they're fighting for custody. It's gotten so bad that Alex and Jasmine are living with me until the judge can decide you gets custody." Damian grabbed my hands and asked "are they the reason you're just now inviting me into your apartment?" I nodded and said "I thought the whole situation with my brother and his kids would scare you away." Damian chuckled and said "nothing could scare me away from being with you." He pulled me into a hug and I laid my head on his chest.

We were quiet for a long time. I asked "Damian.......what are we?" He chuckled and said "human." I hit his chest with a smile on my face. I said "I'm being serious! We've been on four dates and I really want to know what we ar-" He cut me off with a kiss. When he pulled away he said "you talk to much." I asked "I'm serious Damian, what are we?" He cupped my face with his hands and whispered "we are definitely boyfriend and girlfriend." I smiled as he kissed me again. It wasn't a long kiss because we were interrupted when Alex yelled "ewwwwww!" I started laughing and I buried my face into Damian's chest.

I'm pretty sure another wall just fell.

His Favorite AssistantOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora