My Life Couldn't Get Any Better

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My Life Couldn't Get Any Better






Ryder is being released from the hospital today and is moving in with me. Jonathan and James are going to get him at noon and it's eight o'clock now. I have four hours to get his room ready. Damian brought me back to my apartment last night because the new carpet had been put in and the new furniture showed up. Damian and I spent four hours rearranging the furniture.

I got up early this morning and had breakfast. While I was feeding Chaos, there was a knock on the door. When I opened it, I found Damian with a dozen red roses. I smiled and asked "what are you doing here?" He smiled and said "I wanted to see you." 

I stepped aside and let him in. He kissed my forehead as he walked by and handed me the roses. He asked "so when is Ryder getting here?" I smiled and said "around noon." Damian pulled me into a hug and said "that gives us four hours of alone time."

He pushed me up against the wall and kissed down my jaw to my neck. I said "Damian I have to move his stuff into his room and get his room ready." He raised his head and said "okay, so we have three hours of alone time." He lifted me off the ground and wrapped my legs around his waist. I smiled down at him and said "okay fine. But only because I love you." He shoved his hand down my pants and said "I love you too. You're mine Regan, and I'm yours." I leaned down and kissed him as he walked down the hallway to my bedroom.

After three hours of "alone time", we got out of bed and got Ryder's room ready. We got done with his room just in time. Right as we walked out of his room there was a knock at the door and my brothers were standing on the other side. Damian sat down on the couch while I answered the door. Each of my brothers kissed my cheek as they walked by.

I followed them into the living room and said "James, Ryder, this is my boyfriend Damian. Damian, this is my twin brother Ryder and this is my younger brother James." Damian stood up and shook hands with my brothers. Damian said "it's nice to finally meet you guys." Ryder said "don't hurt my sister because if you do, we'll have problems." Damian chuckled and said "I wouldn't even think about hurting her." Ryder smiled and said "good." James shook his hand and said "it's nice to meet you Damian."

Damian's phone started to ring and he excused himself from the room. Once he was gone Ryder said "please tell me he's nothing like Noah." I sighed and said "he's the completed opposite of Noah." Ryder looked at James before saying "good. We don't want history to repeat itself." I sat by Jonathan and said "can we please just forget about him? He's back in Minnesota. He can't bother me anymore." They nodded their heads.

Damian came back into the living room and I asked "who was that?" He grinned and said "my mother. She wants me to bring you guys to dinner tonight." I asked "what's with her having all of these big family dinners?" Damian chuckled and said "she loves us, that's why. Anyways I have to go. My father needs my brothers and I to help take down the Christmas lights." He kissed my cheek and said "I love you." I smiled and said "love you too." As he was walking to the door Jonathan yelled "don't start a fight with your brothers again. Dad might staple you to the roof again." Damian laughed and said "I make no promises."

Jonathan and I turned back towards James and Ryder. They had confused expressions on their faces. I asked "what?" James asked "who did you just call dad?" Jonathan said "we call Damian's parents mom and dad." Ryder asked "why?" I said "after Jonathan got custody of the kids we went to their house to celebrate. They told us that they love us like we're their own. They said we didn't have to call them mom and dad if we didn't want to because nobody could replace our real parents. They even let Alex and Jasmine call them grandma and grandpa" Ryder said "that was nice of them." I nodded and said "they're really nice people. You guys will love them."


My brothers and I were still helping our dad take down the lights when Regan and her brothers arrived. I climbed down the ladder and led them inside. My mother greeted us at the door. She said "its nice to see you guys!" She gave Alex and Jasmine hugs and let them go find Lucy. She then hugged Regan and Jonathan. I said "mom, this is Regan's twin brother Ryder." She shook hands with Ryder and said "it's nice to finally meet you Ryder. I've heard so much about you." I said "and you remember James." She said "of course, it's nice to see you again."

My brothers walked through the door and my mom said "these are my other boys. That's Derek and David." They shook hands with James and Ryder. My father and Lucy did the same when they were introduced to them.

At dinner I sat with Regan on one side and Alex on the other. It looked like Regan's brothers were having a good time.

We left the girls to clean up after dinner like we usually do. My mother and Lucy joined us afterwards but Regan didn't. She was still in the kitchen. I wrapped my arms around her and asked "what's wrong?" She smiled and said "nothing, that's just it. For once in my life nothing is going wrong and it's all started when I met you." A tear rolled down her cheek and I smiled down at her. I wiped the tear away and gave her a quick kiss. She said "my life couldn't get any better." I whispered "mine either."

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