His Family

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His Family







I walked into the office and did my normal routine. After turning on my computer, I walked into Damian's office. I unlocked and opened the door and was surprised at what I found. Damian was asleep on the couch in his office. He was wearing the same clothes he wore yesterday. His shirt was unbuttoned and his tie was laying on the floor next to his shoes.

I smiled and went over to wake him up. I whispered in his ear "wake up Damian." The next thing I knew, his arms were around my waist pulling me down on top of him. I repeated "Damian, wake up." His arms got tighter around my waist and he groaned. He said "five more minutes."

We laid there for five more minutes like he wanted. When the five minutes were up I said "you need to get up and get to work." He got up and left my laying on the couch. I laid my head on his pillow while he went to the bathroom on the other side of his office.

When he came out of the bathroom, he had on a clean suit and another tie in his hand. He held out his hand with his tie and asked "can you tie this?" I nodded and got up to walk towards him. While I was doing his tie, he put his arms around my waist and pulled me to his chest. He said "good morning beautiful." I blushed and said "good morning." He leaned down to kiss me but was interrupted when someone knocked on the door.

I sat down on the couch while Damian went to answer the door. A woman was revealed when he opened the door. Damian smiled and said "hey mom!"

Oh Shit!!

Damian hugged his mom and kissed her cheek. She walked into his office and smiled at me. She asked "Damian, who is this?" Damian said "mom, this is my girlfriend Regan Carson." His mother gasped with a huge smile on her face. She pulled me into a hug and said "it's so nice to meet you Regan. I'm Lauren, Damian's mother." I said "it's nice to meet you too."

When she let go of me she turned to Damian and asked "why didn't you tell me you have a girlfriend?!" He smiled and said "I just did!" Lauren said "well I'm happy for you guys." Damian and I said "thank you." She said "anyways, tonight your father and I are  having a little family gathering. Your brothers and sister want me to cook dinner tonight. Be at my house at six o'clock and bring Regan. Your father would love to meet the girl that stole your heart."

Damian smiled at me and put his arm around my shoulders. I said "I would love to have dinner with you guys but I can't tonight. My three year old niece and my five year old nephew are staying with me tonight." Lauren smiled at me and said "bring them with you! It might be nice to hear the pitter patter of little feet in that big house of ours." I smiled and said "okay." Lauren said "great, I'll see you both tonight."

After hugging the both of us, she left. I turned to Damian and saw a big goofy grin on his face. He pulled me into a hug and said "my mother already loves you." I chuckled and said "yeah I can see that." Damian said "I'll be at your house to get you and the kids at five-thirty, ok?" I nodded and said "speaking of the Alex and Jasmine, ever since the other night, they've been asking 'when do we get to see Damian again?" He chuckled and said "they're good kids. Alex is a little bundle of energy and Jasmine is.......just like you." I smiled and kissed his cheek.

After work I picked up the kids and went home. I changed from my work clothes into a pair of jeans and one of my old college shirts. I got the kids cleaned up and I made them change their clothes. At five-twenty, Damian knocked on the door. I let him in and Alex ran into his arms. He lifted Alex off the ground and said "hey Alex!" Alex smiled and said "hi Damian." I said "Alex you need to put your coat on."

We took my car since their car seats were already in there. I made Damian drive since I don't know the way to his parents house. When we got there Alex asked "where are we?" Damian said "we're at my parents house, buddy." I smiled at the nick-name he gave Alex. We got the kids out of the car and Damian led us inside. Once we were inside Lauren greeted us. She said "Regan, I'm so glad you came to dinner." She paused before asking "are they your niece and nephew?" I nodded and said "this is Alex and Jasmine." She smiled and said "well, the boys are in the living room and Lucy and I are in the kitchen."

Jasmine walked into the kitchen with Lauren leaving me with Damian and Alex. I asked Alex "are you going with Damian?" He nodded as Damian picked him up. Damian kissed my forehead and said "have fun with my mom and sister."

I walked into the kitchen and found Lucy and Lauren talking to Jasmine. Lucy looked at me and said "hey Regan." I said "hi." I sat down on the other side of Jasmine. Lauren asked "so Regan are your niece and nephew your brothers kids or your sisters?" I smiled and said "they're my brother Jonathan's kids. I don't have any sisters." She asked "do you have more than one brother?" I said "yes, Jonathan is older than me by a year, my twin Ryder is four minutes older than me, and my younger brother James is two years younger than me." Lucy asked "you have a twin?" I nodded and she mumbled "lucky."

The room went silent for a moment. Lucy asked "so Jasmine, what's your favorite color?" She smiled and said "blue, that's my daddy's and Aunt Regan's favorite color too, but my moms favorite color is purple. She doesn't live with us anymore. Daddy got mad at her and they aren't together anymore. We've been living with Aunt Regan for awhile now."


Lauren and Lucy looked at me with confused expressions. I said "Jasmine why don't you go find Alex." She smiled at me and said "okay" before jumping off the chair to got find him. Lauren sat down across from me and asked "what did she mean when she said they were living with you?" I sighed and said "my brother and his ex-wife's divorce was final about five weeks ago. Now they're fighting for full custody of the kids. The whole situation has gotten so bad that the judge gave me temporary custody of Alex and Jasmine."

Lauren got up and walked around the table. She hugged me and said "I'm so sorry. If you ever need any help with Alex and Jasmine I'm here for you." Lucy nodded and said "and if you ever need a babysitter, I'm here for you. I'll help in anyway I can." I smiled and said "thank you."



My parents love Regan and Alex and Jasmine. My brothers do also. I'm not sure about Lucy though. She never liked any of my girlfriends. That's one of the reasons I didn't want to be in a relationship with anyone until I met Regan.

Over dinner, my parents got to know her. They asked her so many questions like where she grew up and where she went to college. They also asked Alex and Jasmine questions.

When Alex and Jasmine started yawning like they were tired we got them ready to go. While Regan was outside putting them in their car seats, I put my coat and shoes on. I hugged my mother and she said "Regan is a nice girl, don't let her go." I shook hands with my dad and he said "I like Regan. She's good for you." I said "by" to my brothers and they said "your lucky to have her." My sister hugged me and said "I actually like your girlfriend. Do you know what that means?" I asked "what?" She put her hands on her hips and said "it means that if you ever break up with her I will disown you." I smiled and said "yeah love you too sis."

I walked out to Regan's car and found her waiting for me. Once I was in the car I looked back and found Alex and Jasmine asleep. I smiled and grabbed Regan's hand and brought it up to my lips. I said "that wasn't so bad was it." She shook her head and said "not really." I asked "what do you mean by not really?" She sighed and said "while Jasmine was in the kitchen with us she told your mom and sister that her and Alex have been living with me. I had to explain the whole situation with my brother and his ex wife to your mom and your sister." I asked "what'd they say?" She smiled and said "they said that if I ever needed any help with Alex and Jasmine, they would be there for me." I leaned over and kissed her. I said "my family loves you Regan. Of course they would be there for you."

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