Chapter eleven

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The next few days go by in a spur. I call my sister to confirm that I am, indeed, being transferred permanently to the Netherlands and I am, indeed, moving in with Vincent. She cries a little but mostly congratulates me on moving in with Vince, though she's angry I didn't her we'd got together in the first place. Vince calls Olivier and Kristina and it apparently doesn't come as a shock to them that 1) we're together and 2) I'm moving in with Vincent. It turns out that Vince told Olivier that he'd fallen in love with me more than ten months ago, which is why Olivier knew something was up already back at 'the' dog-show seven months ago. And he told Kristina everything 3 months ago; meaning she already knew everything when she came to the dog-show in Denmark. I'm a little perplexed when I find out about Kristina already knowing, but she tells me that she only came to the Danish dog-show in November to see how I was doing; which, according to her, was "as well as a elephant in confinement". Vince gives me a kiss on my temple with tears in his eyes and trembling lips when he hears that. He still hasn't forgiven himself for what happened at 'the' dog-show. To sum it up - he has basically already told Olivier and Kristina everything, or most things at least – he hasn't told them about our sex, thank Goodness. His workplace is being gratefully thanked by Vince and he tells them every day that it's amazing how they were so down to Earth and gave him the day off so he could ask me to live with him. They are just grateful that he isn't going to quit his job and they congratulate us with moving in together. "Equality for all" and "Love is love" Vince tells me they say more than once. I've slowly been packing and moving my things to Vincent's house.. 'OUR house' I correct myself mentally. And the first time we drives my stuff to his.. our house I realize that the distance to his work is fairly long. "How come you walk to work when you live this far away?" I ask with interest. He blushes slightly and answers "Umm.. Actually.. I used to drive but when I saw you walking on the pavement in the same direction as me.. I kinda.. just started to walk instead.." I look at him with shock but he refuses to look at me. "God, you really are.. too good for me!" I whisper honestly. He turns to look at me in confusion as we stop at a red light and I snake my arms around his neck to pull him into a deep, wet, love-filled kiss. It gets pretty heated, 'It turns me on how he always thinks about me in everything he does' and I start to slowly slide my hand from his knee toward his crotch until a car honks at us from behind. We separate and Vince has dark red cheeks as he starts driving again. I leave my hand on his thigh and when we've driven about a hundred metres I slowly start to slide my hand closer to his crotch again. He shudders and subconsciously parts his legs more as I reach his length. "Mark" he says lowly, trying to sound strong and dismissing, but the way he's already starting to harden under my palm tells me otherwise. I push a little harder with the heel of my hand and feel that he's fully erect now. I make quick work of the button and zipper and grips him tightly under his briefs.. MY briefs I realize, and it just turns me on more. I'm still getting used to the feel of another man's length in my hand but is in no way a turn-off; rather the opposite. I start to slide my hand up and down on him and when I give a slight squeeze on the root of his member his arm comes to grip my forearm. "Keep your hands on the wheel" I demand and he gives a silent whimper before he unwillingly removes his hand from me. 'God, it's so hot that he likes to be demanded around!' I think and give a hard tug in reward. His hips give a thrust and I pick up speed slightly. After a little while his hips are thrusting hard into my hand and he slingers a little on the road. "Oh God" he moans when I tighten my hold on him; I've found out he likes a tight grip instead of me focussing on my speed. His thrust in my hand becomes sloppier and he throws the car into the side of the road and turns on the hazard warning light. He grips the wheel hard and throws his head back with closed eyes. I see blue blink in the side view mirror and whispers "SHIT!". "What?" Vince asks and as he still has his eyes closed I use it to my advance. "Nothing. God, you look hot like this, babe" I say lowly and hear him whimper at the compliment. 'Good! He always starts to whimper in that deep, needy way when he's about to come'. I lean closer to his side to make him orgasm faster as I see the door of the police-car opens behind us, 'SHIT!' "I need to see you come, babe." I say huskily, hotly with my heart slamming against my ribcage. "I need you to come" his thrusts get incredible sloppy and I squeeze painfully hard around him when I say "Come for me, Vince". Vince's hips shudder as the officer jumps out his car and he comes right in my hand with a loud "OH GMMM!" as the officer starts to walk towards Vince. Vince has his head back against the neck-rest with red cheeks, heavy breathing and his eyes still closed. I frantically tug his now spent length inside the (my) briefs as the officer gets to Vince's window. I hide my hand by my side and look out the front-window like nothing has happened as the officer knocks on the window. I see Vincent jump with shock and he quickly rolls down his window, not realizing his fly is still open. The officer asks for Vince's driver's license and when he reaches for his wallet in his back-pocket he realizes his zipper and button are open. "Shit!" he says lowly and looks at me with a red face as he closes his jeans. When he gives the officer his licence the officer leans against the open window to look at it and I sneak a peek at him. I glance at him at the same time he glances at me with a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. I flush red from head to toe and get suddenly very conscious about my hand by my side with Vince's seed on it. He rises from the open window and gives Vince back his licence and says something that sounds like "Please don't do that again. It's very dangerous" before he goes back to his own car, jumps back in and drives past us; and I'm sure I see him laughing his ass off in his car as he passes us. I realize he left without giving Vince a ticket and I'm about to comment on it, but stop myself and look out my window instead. 'Shit, he must be so fucking angry with me!' Vince says nothing as he closes the window and starts driving again and I don't dare look at him, not even when he takes a deep breath to talk. "God!.." 'I knew it he's mad as hell!' ".. That was the best hand-job I ever got!". "What?!" I nearly scream and look at Vince who looks very content. "I've never had an orgasm hit me so hard, so fast before.. I think it's your voice. God, I get so fucking turned on when you sound demanding" his voice's getting husky again and I see him shift a little in the seat. 'He's seriously getting turned on by thinking of my demanding voice?' "You're not mad?" I ask bashfully and Vincent just smiles brightly. "I can't get mad when you just gave me such an intense orgasm" he says honestly and flashes me a love-filled smile that shows his delicious dimple. "You really are the most laid-back man I know" I say taken slightly aback. "It's only with you, Mark. I'd jump off a cliff if you asked me to" he says lowly and grips my hand. I'm just about to lay my other hand on top of his but remember I have his come all over it. My cheeks get warm and I say shyly "Do you have some tissues?" "Umm.. No, I don't think so. Why?" he ask. "I kinda... still have your.. umm.. come on my hand" I say, my cheeks getting warm. "Oh" I see him get a blush across his cheeks too. As soon as we stop by his.. our house I dry my hand of on the frostbitten grass and we carry my stuff inside.

The transfer is accepted today and I'm now fully a Dutch worker. But it also means I'll have to move fully out of the apartment, so we've hired a moving company to move the rest of my stuff and we're now on our way to our house, 'I'm slowly starting to get used to it being our house'. My.. our dogs are in the cage in the back of Vince's car and both Vince and I are sporting big smiles and I hold his hand between mine, 'I'm so happy, it's crazy!'. We stop behind the moving-truck and I get out of the car. Vince gets out too, walks to my side and lays his arm around my waist. I lean into his side and he whispers "Are you sure about this? I know it a little late to ask but.. Are you sure this is what you want?" He sounds unsure and I lean my forehead against his temple. "I honestly don't care where I live as long as you and the dogs are by my side" I whisper. He hugs me closer before he whispers back "Me too. I don't care where in the world I am as long as it's by your side; all four of you". I smile up at him and he leans down and plants a soft, sweet and innocent kiss on my lips. He rests his forehead against mine and with close eyes he whispers "I love you, Mark." My smile gets brighter and I whisper back "And I love you, babe". He smiles at me before he leaves to help the movers. I open the backdoor of the car and let.. our dogs out. They run to Vincent right away and my heart swells at the sight – this, right here, right now.. This is what I want, what I need, what I crave for. This is where I feel loved and safe – with him by my side and our dogs running in the backward. He looks back at me and smiles his smile that shows the dimple and I walk to the love of my life's side and walk into OUR home, into OUR new life.

Just love me, please? (mxm/bxb) [Completed]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora