Chapter seven

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When we reach the apartment I'm internally freaking out because on the way home I realized that it was our first-ever kiss when I kissed him in the park. 'What if my breath's bad? What if my lips were dry? What if he didn't like the thought of it was, in fact, another man who kissed him?' "Mark? You alright?" Vincent asks concerned when we're almost home. "Huh? Oh! Sure, I'm fine!" I smile and ramble on "I never thanked you for showing me the park. It's nice to have a place to let the dogs run when the apartment is too small for them to play." By now we're standing in front of my front-door and I stop my rambling when I hear Vincent chuckle. "Sorry, I'm just.. a very.. awkward person" I say embarrassed. "No you're not! You're just.. a very, very.." he steps closer to me and lifts my head with a hand on my jaw to look me in the eye ".. very, nervous everyday-'Mark'" he chuckles and I realize it's a mock-insult. I pout and knit my brows together to show my mock-annoyance, but he just laughs and subconsciously starts to caress my cheek. I whisper after a few heartbeats of silence "You wanna come in?" 'God, why does it sound like I'm asking him in for sex?' he looks at me with a lazy smile and gives a slight shake. Before he gets to answers are my brows knitted together subconsciously. "Neither of us are ready for what'll happen if I come inside.. Don't you agree?" I nod my head honestly, 'I can't really get embarrassed when it's the truth. Neither of us are ready for anything more than this right now'. "I'm just not ready for you to leave me just yet." I whisper while I rub my face more into his hand ".. but nor am I ready for anything to happen.." I whisper honestly. "I'm not leaving if you don't want me to, Mark. If you want me to stay, to watch a movie or just cuddle on the couch, I'll gladly do it. You are more important to me than anything else. I'll forget my.. longing for you.. if you seriously don't want me to leave" he whispers with his forehead now pressed firmly against mine. "But I promise you, Mark - I won't leave you.. I-I won't ever leave you" I let go of a shaky breath and feel tears prick my eyes. "Please.. Please say it again" I say and have never sounded needier in my whole life. Vincent wraps his arms around the back of my neck and head in a way that makes me feel like I'm in a bubble – a little bubble where it's only the two of us in the whole wide world – and he slides his forehead to the side of my temple and whispers directly into my ear "I will never, ever leave you, Mark. Never in my life again will I be without." A small sniffle leaves me as the first tear rolls down my cheek and I feel a small kiss being placed on my ear-shell and then another one on my tragus where he whispers "I'll make it up to you, Mark. I'll make it better, I promise. Please forgive me, please.. please forgive me, Mark." I feel his lips quiver on my ear and I take my hand, the one that doesn't hold the dog leashes, and lay it on the back of his neck before I nuzzle it into his neck-hair, 'God, I've always wanted to feel what his hair felt like between my fingers.. It's sooo incredible soft!' and I whisper brokenly into his ear "I forgive you, Vincent, I forgive you. God, I really, truly forgive you, baby!" The pet name leaves my mouth before I can stop it, but when a broken sob leaves Vincent when he hears the pet name.. Let's just say it's the best slip-up I've ever had in my life. We just cling to each other for dear life, crying our eyes out, until we're both shaking because of the cold. "You sure you don't want to come in for a cup of coffee? Just to get some warmth?" I ask when I open the door to let my poor, freezing pooches inside. "Nah, it's alright. I don't have that far home. But you should get inside before you're freezing to death" he says with an affectionate smile. "Alright" I whisper like some teenage girl while I stand in the doorway. Vincent looks hesitant for half a second but then he leans forward and leaves a kiss on the corner of my mouth and whisper "I'll text you soon, beautiful. We'll see each other soon, yeah?" I smile brightly yet shyly and say "Yeah. I'd count the minutes if I knew when it'd be". My ears fill with Vincent's delicious laughter and he says as he leaves "It'll be sooner than you think". I hang in the door long after he's gone.

We text the rest of the evening and things slowly feel like they did before the incident six months earlier.. Well, no not exactly like they did back then; it's more subtle flirting, more delicate compliments, more.. dare I say, sweet love. We text until I fall asleep rather early with a smile on my face and phone in hand.

I'm awoken at 9 o'clock the next morning by three knocks on my door. I leave my warm bed rather unwillingly and rather groggily. I open the door enough for me look out and a shy smile dances on my lips. "Hi" I say quietly. "Good morning, sunshine" Vincent says way too brightly so early of the day. I open the door for him to come in as the cold makes me shiver and say with a shudder erupting through my body "Come on in". He walks through the door and stops in the hallway as I close the door behind him, "You just jumped out of bed?" he asks with an amused smile. I look at him baffled "Yes.. How did you know?" but instead of giving me an answer he just points at my legs. My brows knit together in confusion "Wha-" I stop when I realize what he means; as I've rolled right out of bed I didn't put on any pants and I'm now standing in briefs. "Oh shit" I declare and run to the bed to hurriedly put on some sweats, and in the hallway is Vincent's laughter erupting, making my heart swell with warmth. "You really didn't have to put on pants for my sake.. I actually liked the view" his tone of voice is playful, mischievous even but when I look him in the eye nothing but love is to be seen. "Yeah? So you just want me for my body? Is that what you're saying?" I play along and stroll towards his general area. "Oh, you already found out? I hoped you'd take a little longer to grasp onto my genius plan" his smile grows bigger and I walk right up to him and into his personal space, and I look up into his eyes and whisper simply "I'm not as stupid as you might think". Vincent looks down at me, our five centimetres in height-difference suddenly very evident, and his mischievous look slowly turns into one of adoration and he whispers "I never thought you were stupid.. You're the smartest, kindest, sweetest.. most handsome man I know. And the thought of you l-liking me pleases me very much" a faint blush slowly makes its way up my neck. His eyes show such intensity and love that it has my breathing to get caught in my throat and my eyes to fall to his lips on their own accord. I move a little closer subconsciously and look back up to his eyes that are now widened with anticipation. I slowly put my left hand lightly on his shoulder to help my keep my balance and my right hand to lie flat on his breast and I feel his heart slamming nervously under my hand. I stand on tiptoes and close my eyes when I'm close enough to lightly brush my nose against his. His hands are laid on my hips and grip marginally into my shirt and sweats; it's not in any way sexy but more in a loving kind of way.. in a possessive way kind of way. I take a shaky breath, grip his shoulder a little harder and move the short distance to his lips. My lips start to quiver the second they touch his and I push them fairly harder against his, just to make sure it's really happening. Our kiss is nothing but lips pressed together and it lasts less than ten seconds, but I've never felt happier and more alive in my whole life; not with any of my girlfriends and not with any of the few guys I tried to kiss, when I first found out I was in love with Vince. Vincent moves to the corner of my mouth and plants a soft kiss before he kisses his way to my temple and drapes me with his body, caging my arms between our bodies. I let go of a shaky breath as I lean my forehead on his shoulder and realize I have tears in my eyes. "Is.. Is this a dream?" I whisper almost inaudible. "I don't think so" Vincent answers with a chuckle evident in his voice. "It must be a dream.. It can't be real. I've dreamt of kissing you for so many years.. It just.. can't be real now" I say and sound broken. He hugs me closer almost painfully so and whispers into my hair "It's real.. It's really real. It's.." he takes a beep breath and nuzzles his face into my hair ".. I'm real.. you're real.. this is real. It'll be real for as long as you want me, Mark". We stand like that for a long while, just embraced in each other, breath in each other, until the Little One starts to fuss and scratch on the front-door. "I think he needs to go for a walk.. I'll be back real quick" I say and Vincent lets go of me but says "Why don't I walk them? I'm apparently already wearing my shoes" he says with a chuckle and I look down on his feet and laugh. "You don't have to walk them, I'll just-" I get interrupted by Vincent laying his hand on my cheek and saying "I'll do it.. I want to do it" and then he gives me a sweet kiss on my lips that leave me smiling like an idiot, even after the door's closed behind them.

We spent the day watching movies, snuggling together on the sofa and placing little kisses here and there all over each other's faces. Our kisses are of the sweet, loving kind; just lips pressed together – no dancing of lips together, no teeth nipping, no tongue intertwining; just pure innocence. Vincent goes home when it's getting relatively late for a Sunday. We're standing on the doorstep interlocked in a tight embrace when Vincent whispers "God, I really don't want to let you go.. I've never felt warmer nor safer than I do in your arms.." My heart expands by that declaration and I hug him a little tighter "I feel the exact same way! I'd stay here forever if I could" I say with a little laughter and I feel Vincent breath in like he wants to say something, but he doesn't and instead says "We'll see each other tomorrow after work, right?" He asks nervously, like there's a chance I'd say no. "Yeah tomorrow's definitely on" he lets go of me and gives me a short kiss on the lips before he leaves with a "See you soon, beautiful!"

Just love me, please? (mxm/bxb) [Completed]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें