Chapter five

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I feel something tickle my nose and try to brush it away. It stops and I let go of a content sigh. I almost fall asleep when I feel it tickle my nose again. I growl and try to brush it away more aggressively. I hear a chuckle and think 'Those damned windows make everything sounds like there're no windows at all". It once again stops and I smile '1-0 for me'. I snuggle deeper down to the duvet and hear someone intake abruptly and my brows knit together as it's spooky how much it sounded like the sounds come from inside the apartment. A discontent shudder erupts through my body. I almost, ALMOST fall asleep when that thing tickles my nose again. With a loud "Fucking crap!" I throw the duvet over my head and a deep, amused laughter fills my ears. I freeze and realize 'There's a man in my room!' and my heart starts slamming against my ribcage. 'What the fuck do I do?' "You staying under there forever?" the man asks clearly entertained by me. 'Wait.. It sounds like..' I slowly pull down the duvet and see Vincent lying on his side beside me on my bed with one of those smiles plastered on his face; the kind of smile that brightens up his whole body and makes my heart warm and beat for a whole other reason. "What the fuck are you smiling at?" I ask to cover how happy I am to wake up beside him. He says nothing, just lifts his left hand with some kind of thread in his hand. I knit my brows together "I have no idea what that's supposed to mean". He just chuckles and reaches his hand over me. I follow his hand with my head, making me bare my throat which means the thread in his hand runs freely across my throat – the only place on my whole body I'm ticklish. My whole body jerks as a very girlish shriek leaves my mouth. Both Vincent and I freeze and just look at each other. Vincent's eyes are widened with delight and he looks like he's about to erupt with laughter while I just glare at him and jerk my forefinger into his hard chest. "You will never.. Ever.. Tell anyone that I'm ticklish. And you will never.. ever.. ever.. EVER tell anyone that that sound left my mouth. Got it?" I threaten seriously. He nods his head up and down with a bright smile still evident in eyes and I slowly remove my finger from his chest, pretending I don't feel how my heart swells from feeling his body-heat on my hand. "Good" I say and still feel tired. "What time is it anyways?" I ask him. "Hmmm.. 12 o'clock.." My eyes widen "12 o'clock? When did you wake up?" I see him think for a little "I woke up about 10 minutes ago. Why?" he asks like he really has no idea why I'm baffled. "Because you've slept for 14 hours, you.. you goof! How can anyone sleep that many hours?" I ask, closing my eyes. Vincent's suddenly abnormally quiet so I open one of my eyes to look at him and I see his face is red with embarrassment and his eyes're downcast. I feel my heart get cold so I silently ask "What?" though I really don't want to hear his answer. He looks up, his face still red "Nothing. I just.. I just haven't slept much, so I probably just needed sleep, I guess" he smiles but it's obvious in his smile that something's not right. I feel hurt; he told me he wanted this, wanted.. us.. and then he lies right in my face. I rise from the bed and stretch my back to walk to the kitchen to get some water. As I walk through the doorway I see Vincent now lying with his arms behind his head and a big smile present on his lips as he follows me with his eyes. "What has you smiling like some idiot?" I ask, actually curious. "Nothing special. I'm just.. happy, I guess." I feel a small smile form on my face. 'Leave it to Vincent to make my heart ice-cold one second and swell with warmth the next'. "I haven't been this happy in a long time." He says silently. I'm not sure whether I'm supposed to hear it or not so I let the last part go. "You must really not have a life if 14 hours of sleep makes you happy" I joke and start putting clothes on to go for a walk with the dogs. "Maybe it wasn't the fact that I slept.. but that I woke up beside fantastic guy.. that has me happy." Again I'm not sure if I was supposed to hear so I pretend I didn't, though I'm sure my heartbeat can be heard all the way across the room to him. "I'll just walk the dogs. I won't be longer than 20 minutes, I guess" My voice's too breathy and I need to get fresh air right now. "Kom så, så går vi" ("Come on, let's go") I feel Vincent's lingering gaze on my back as I walk out the door with the dogs and it makes me all warm and not at all for a bad reason.

Just love me, please? (mxm/bxb) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now