2p!EnglandxReader: Bloody Hell

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(Titles got literally nothing to do with this story...)

Everyday you came to this same bakery. "Oliver's" it was called. You were a sweets enthusiast who had been checking out local and not so local pastry shops. But to be honest you knew exactly why you visited this particular bakery many times over.

You had your eye on the strawberry blonde that ran the place. His name was shared by the bakery, Oliver. Oliver Kirkland, you believe.

Oliver was a baby blue eye'd eccentric sweetie, who was always all over the place. He was never in the same place for too long. Behind the register, serving food, baking in the back.

He loved working, and you loved watching him work. You fell in love with that cheery personality, and his amazing skills. They just seemed to draw you in. Day after day, you sat in your little stool and ordered something different each time, eating it as slow as you could in the hopes that you would one day catch his eye.

Little did you know, you had already caught his eye. He noticed you everyday, sitting there in your adorable sundresses, your soft looking (h/c) hair. Those bright and curious (e/c) eyes, always watching him. Yes, he knew they were watching him.

Oh... you were certainly intriguing to him. He very much wanted to tie you up and see what made you tick. See just how soft that hair of yours was.. Secretly he was formulating plan to make you his, no matter what.

The next time you came into his shop you sat in your same stool, smoothing out your sundress as you searched for something new to try. Oliver noticed you right away, as he always did. And your dress, he noted, was a similar blue to his eyes. A wide grin spread across his face as he realized it had to be today.

Usually one of his wait staff would hand you your treat, but today Oliver delivered you your cupcake personally. He set down a pink and blue frosted cupcake in front of you and gave you an innocent radiant smile. You were caught so off guard you couldn't even speak. But that was fine. The freckled faced blond did all the talking for you.

He rested his chin atop his folded hands and watched you quickly reddening face through hooded eyes as the lopsided grin on his face formed words.

"Ello, poppet! It is such a treat to see you again~"

You barely stuttered out a greeting in return as you clutched your cupcake. His grin only grew at your extremely interesting reaction.

"I see you've got quite the sweet tooth! You've been in here almost everyday this month."

"Oh yes, of course!" You found your voice, though your face was still warm, "your sweets are so delicious I can't help it! You're so talented.."

He clasped his hands together and laughed. "Oh, you're just too sweet! I could eat you up, I really could." You giggled along with him, toying with your cupcakes wrapper as he barreled on. You exchanged names, and he complimented how pretty yours was. While you were nice and flattered he continued still.

"You know poppet, I would just love to have someone as committed to my sweets as you are to come in the back and see just how I make them! Would you be interested?"

You gasped in surprise, sitting up straight. "I- I would! I'd love to see that!" This was just too perfect! Everything was going fantastic. You were going to get to be alone with him and you didn't even have to try! Your eyes shone like stars as you bore those admiring orbs into his own innocent baby blue ones.

Though to be honest there was a mischievous glint behind that smile. It was gone before you could even comment on it and he clapped his hands.

"Well then, love, why don't you come back around closing time? I'll give you a little tour."

You gave an excited nod and paid for your treat. You took a bite and rushed out, unable to stop smiling. Oliver watched you leave... unable to stop the darkness that edged into his grin.


Later that evening you returned to Oliver's, wearing a rather cute outfit, just casual enough so you wouldn't seem too forward.

You entered the shop, finding Oliver stacking what seemed to be the last chair up. He graced you with another one of those childlike smiles as he took your hand pecked it softly. You flushed, watching him straighten up.

"Evening, poppet! I'm so glad you could make it." He kept hold of your hand, leading you to the counter. He subtly locked the door behind you, flipping the sign to closed.

You were lead to the backroom where he showed you his baking supplies. He showed you how each machine worked and stayed rather close to you the entire time he did. You were positive your face couldn't get anymore warm.

The longer you walked around with him, the more he wanted to hurry along the plan. You were so delightfully adorable. So shy and... oblivious. Once the little tour was over, he stopped you and offered you the same cupcake you had ordered earlier today. He had explained then that it was one of his favorites to make. You accepted it without question, thanking him graciously.

Once you took a bite, the sweet familiar taste made you smile, and he smiled right back.

Suddenly his smile seemed to waver in your vision.

"(Name)..." he mumbled causing your already dizzy head to swim. You attempted to answer but you began to sway. You gripped the counter for balance, as the floor began to tilt beneath you.

"O-Oliver...?" you dropped the cupcake and fell into his awaiting arms. His face had a smile that twitched as a sadistic giggle began to bloom. It grew into a full on laugh as he cluthed you to his chest.

"Now then, poppet. It's time to play!"

(Ok yes so! I'm gonna leave this off here! I'm super sorry about that! Please let me know if yo'd like me to continue this. If not Then I'm just gonna leave it here and work on my other requests. If I remember correctly , Norway is next, then France, and O was going to ATTEMPT Romania. Thanks for the read, I know it was a long one! (((1000 words lol))) <3)

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Dec 16, 2016 ⏰

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