Prussia x Reader Wanted

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Prussia x Reader Wanted

You know I’d fall apart without you

Don’t know how you do what you do

Because everything that don’t make sense about me

Makes sense when I’m with you


Gilbert smiled as he watched his girlfriend, (name), hang upside-down on her bed. She hummed along to King and Lionheart, which was playing on the radio. They’d grown up together and been dating for almost 2 years. King and Lionheart was a good song for their relationship, he decided. She opened her eyes and blushed. “W-what’re you staring at, Gil?” She said startled. He shrugged. “Oh, nothing. Just your pretty face~” He winked, and (name) rolled her eyes. Then she shut them again quietly singing, “You’re a king, and I’m a Lionheart…”

Gilbert smiled, he loved (name) so much. She was the only girl who stayed with him for so long. I guess she’s just zhe only one who can handle my awesomeness, he chuckled to himself. But he knew it was much more than that.

Like everything that’s green girl, I need you

But it’s more than one and one makes two

Put aside the math and the logic of it

You gotta know you’re wanted too


Gilbert realized a long time ago that he needed (name) to survive, really. She was the glue that held his whole life together. Whenever he was feeling like he could just disappear and no one would care, she would come from nowhere, reassuring him that he was one of the most important things in her life.

More than anything, Gil just want to show her she was just as important.

‘Cause I just wanna wrap you up

Wanna kiss your lips I

Wanna make you feel wanted

And I wanna call you mine

Wanna hold your hand forever

And never let you forget it

Yeah, I wanna make you feel



“(Name)!” (Name) looked up to see a certain albino running her way. She smiled at him. “Yo!” She said, grinning. Without warning, Gil swept her into his arms and kissed her passionately. (Name) was confused, but open to a kiss anytime, and kissed back. When they pulled away (Name) was breathless and happy. “W-what was that for?” She stuttered. Gil grinned. “Nothing, frau. Just happy to see you.” (Name) was still confused, but decided to shrug it off because, hey, all kisses are always welcome. Even random ones!

Anyone can tell you’re pretty

And you get that all the time… I know you do

But your beauty’s deeper than makeup

And I wanna show you what I see tonight when I wrap you up

When I kiss your lips

I wanna make you feel wanted

And I wanna call you mine

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