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Since we arrived to Atlanta I've tried to act like everything's okey. I mean nothings gonna happen, if Lea told Boss about me then he should've already done something, right? As i looked out the hotel window I took a deep breath trycing to focus on the good things in life. I have a bpyfriend for Gods sake, he's the best boyfriend. I should be head over heels for this trip, I can't be miserable.

"Can we go out? I want to show you something..." Just as Justin entered the room I spoke. Trying to figure out my new formed plan.

"Erm, sure. What do you have in mind, babe?"

"It's a supirse!" A small smile formed on my lips when everything fell into place. This could actually work.

After a couple of minutes we were ready to head out. Lucky for us Justin had a car here and it was early in the morning so barly anyone was out. So we could quickly get into the car and pull out on the roud without anyone discovering us.

"I can't drive if you wont tell me where we are heading!" Justin pointed out as he strated to drive a long the street.

"I know, but just do as I say and evyerthing will be okey. I don't want you to figure out where we are going just yet..."

After a couple of turns and laughs we finally made it to our destination, my old house. I don't know what it was that made me think about going here, I can barely remember anything good from this place but I want to show Justin where I come from.

"What's this place?" Justin asked looking around at the surrondings. In this neighbourhood almost everyone was poor. Like litterly some didn't have money to pay the rent. So every house looked desserted even though i know that there must be tons of children inside those houses.

"I lived here,before everything happened..." as I walked I strolled down the lawn knowing that no one lived in there. Not since I did.

Everyting looked like i remembered. The house did look older and more abonded then when I lived here but still, the white façade and red windows. The grass had the color brown more the green. I couldn't see the backyard but if I did get a glipms of it i knew that the old goals and chairs would still be in it's place. Just like my dad used to sit in his chair and very now and then kick at a football.

"That's why you sounded so upset when I told you about this trip. I'm so sorry if i did something wrong. I didn't know..." Justin started placing a hand on my shoulder but I stopped him.

"You have nothing to say sorry for. I guess it all just came as a shock when you told me where we were going... I've never thought I'd come back here. But this morning I told myself to stop be such a corward and just do it. If someone wanted something with me they should have done it already." Justin looked at me with sorrow in his eyes. I smiled a bit at him, letting him know that I'm good before taking his hand and walk back to the car.

"I want to show you another place where i used to go when I had no where else to be..."

After a five minute walk we arrived to a small park. I stopped as memories started to show up in my head.

"Every time dad was to drunk to be around I used to run here and just be until it was so dark I couldn't see a thing. It was my safe spot you could say..." I was about to continue my rant but something cought me eye.

"This can't be happening..." I whispered looking at Justin.


About two/three chapters left of this story. It feels kind of broing and stuff but yeah..

Almost 2k readers, absolutely AMAZING!!! Thank you soooooo much! And if anyone wondered I am working on this new thing and will post it after this story. I love Justin but the next "book" will ust be a teen fiction/romance. I hope some of my readers will stay for that one :)

sorry if you can find any mistake, I'm writing on my computer and it changes the words to Swedish every now and then without me knowing...

Comment/vote/share :)

xx Nelly

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