Trip down memorie lane

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Warning for rough words and bad language.

"I grew up with my dad in a tiny apartment, my mom died when she have birth to me and dad blames me for it. I agree with him. When I was seven dad had been an alcoholic for several years, I can't remember a day when he didn't use me as his personal punching bag. But I got used to it and when a man called Philip came to our house one day and took me I got happy. No more beats from my dad, we can say I was scared of him. Scared of the nightmares I still have every night."

I took a deep breath as the tears streamed down my face. I've never told this to anyone before.

"Philip told me he would take me to the sweetest man he ever known. I was seven, I believed him. We came to a building and some men tied my arms up such as my legs. I asked Philip what happened but he ignored me and that's the last thing I remember before everything just kind of seems blurry."

My hands started to shake and I laughed. This happened ten years ago but it feels like yesterday.

"The first thing I remember after my time in the blur is another man, or yeah my boss, talking to me. Explaining what I'm doing there and why they picked me. He said he felt sorry for me because my dad was 'such a prick' and that he would never do anything like that to me if I just did what he told me. And that's what I did and that's when a fifty year old man took my virginity. I cried the whole time, I was so little. He made me do stuff I won't forget in a thousands of years because I still have scars of it."

I pulled down the sweats Justin borrowed me to show a large scare just under my undies. It looked like someone tried to make a deep cut into a chicken as if he tried to curb out the flesh.

"When I screamed to much he pulled a knife out of his boot and pressed its full length into my leg. I remember how the pain made me faint. It all was to much for me..."

I cried. And not just tears streaming down, I mean the full cry effect with sobs and snot from my nose. This was harder then I thought it would be to tell. The memories made all of the pain come back and the little thing called happiness I felt while playing truth or dare was long gone.

I'm broken. I broke when my mom died giving birth to me. They break me not only physically but mentally.

"I can still hear the moans when they cum and the screams from other girls going thru the same thing as me. My best friend Lea and I was sold out to men about the same time so we started to talk and have been close ever since. I miss her but I have no idea where she is. I'm more scared over her then me because when my boss find out, if he hasn't already, then he will take it all out on her and if he finds me he will kill me."

I stopped. Justin hugged me whispering in my ear how sorry he is for everything I've been through. Whispering how he won't let anything happen to me because he's going to protect me.

He would protect me.

A boy I've known less then two days made me feel more safe the I've ever felt before.

"Thank you!" my cracked voice said.

"I won't let a beautiful and amazing girl like you get hurt ever again. I promise."

He was right. He did never hurt me, I hurt him.


You know Chloe's background! Oh and Justin is famous but Chloe's never heard about him since she was busy with erm... Other things. When do you think she'll figure it out and how will she react? I mean if her boss finds out where she is.........

Words can't describe my happiness about the amount of people that took their time to read me story's. Little me. This absolutely means the world to me. I never thought I would write again but you made it possible just by reading this. Thank you thank you thank you!

SORRY IF YOU CAN FIND ANY MISTAKE I have no time to correct in. I have this test tomorrow and a bunch of other things going on. Hope it's ok!

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