Chapter 12: I Have To Save Her

Start from the beginning

"Well?" Barry said.

"I can't risk bringing her round again until her lungs are much stronger, her white cell count is also very high suggesting infection somewhere, so I'm going to up her dose of antibiotics and I'm going to slowly try and ween her off the ventilator but theres always the chance that her lungs will give up again, the choice is up to you a this point?" Dr. Fitzbery said now lowering his head, feeling disappointed in himself.

"What the hell are you saying? She's going to die? Your just going to give up?" Barry yelled now standing from his chair.

"Mr Allen please your leg!" Dr. Fiztbery scolded.

"Im fine, now please save her" Barry said walking towards Dr.Fitzbery, he added a limp so he didn't have to explain himself.

"Theres nothing more I can do I'm afraid, its all up to Iris, she has to fight this infection, and unfortunately if her lungs aren't strong enough without the vent, she will die" Dr. Fitzbery said backing away from Barry a little.

"I won't let her die!" Barry said grabbing his phone from his pocket.

"Barry wait" Joe said tears pooling in his eyes, he didn't want Iris to die and he was struggling to digest the news, but he had to keep an eye on Barry... something was wrong.

"Leave me alone Joe, Im not in the mood" Barry said now putting his phone to his ear, Joe could hear the ring tone.

"What does that even mean, not in the mood, and who are you calling?"Joe said getting angry with his son.

"Im not your son, my dad is in prison, a prison you put him in!" Barry said knowing that his words cut Joe but he continued. "Now leave me alone before I hurt you" Barry said getting annoyed that no-one was answering the phone. He threw it against the wall in frustration.

"Barry you get back here now!" Joe yelled hurt and angry he reached out and pulled Barry by the arm trying to turn him around and face him.

Barry retaliated pushing Joe back and relaxing his grip on his arm " What the hell Joe" Barry yelled again hitting Joe round the face, this time getting the attention of a few nurses and doctors.

"Hey! You need to!" Natalie said shocked at Barry. Joe was still on the floor clutching his face where Barry had stuck him.

Barry said nothing he just walked away not looking back, not even to check if Joe was alright.

"Joe are you okay?" Natalie asked helping him to his feet.

"Yeah fine" Joe said gladly taking the help brushing himself down, his cheek was marked and his nose bled onto his white shirt. He wiped it away with his hand.

"What's gotten in to him? and come on lets get you checked out" Natalie said guiding him to a vacant cubicle.

Joe ignored Natalie not trying to be rude but still processing that Barry had lashed out and hit him, he had raised him since he was 11 and despite the tragic death of his mother and the fact his father had been in prison for all these years Barry didn't have a bad bone in his body, he couldn't understand.

Barry made his way to the front of the hospital kicking stones along the floor in frustration. He had destroyed his phone against the wall and had no way of contacting star labs. So he ran there arriving in seconds.

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