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worth remembering or easily remembered, especially because of being special or unusual.


Hours later Harry's eyes slowly opened to look at a white wall instead of his usual dull, grey one. The realisation that he was somewhere unfamiliar caused him to jolt upright and take in his surroundings.

He licked his dry lips and thought back to last night's events.


He turns to see an empty spot next to him and touches the cold sheets where Zayn laid just hours ago. A small part of him wished that Zayn was still around mainly because Harry was selfish and wanted to be held and have someone to hold.

He liked Zayn - or rather the small part that he knew about him. The business part of him, no small talk, or bullshit, just straight to the point. Whatever Zayn set his eyes on he made sure he would take it and have it.. Harry thought that it matched his own character well.

He doesn't even know where he left his phone because it's not in the room. It must be in the lounge - along with his money, sitting pretty and waiting for him in its usual spot. That's how the remaining days of June went. Harry and Zayn would meet up almost every night, engage in rough, hot sex and then Zayn would pay and leave.


"There we go, seven grand all for you, my lovely." Harry said to Vivian and laid down seven bundles of hundred dollar bills.

The redhead stopped twirling the HB pencil in between her lips and looked up at Harry. She removed her thick black framed glasses and leaned back in her chair, staring at the money.

She divided the money in half - well almost half. She pushed four of the three bundles towards Harry and kept three for herself. Harry stood with hands behind his back and a confused small smile on his face. "Uhmmm..."

"Congrats on making it the first month, Harry."

"But the worker - your girl. I cost you money -"

"Don't worry about it, it's been sorted out. You've proven yourself and shown me that you're not here to fuck me around. This is your money."

He let out a short laugh and was lost for words. "Thanks, Viv."

"No need to thank me. Make sure you put all of that money in the bank!" She shouted after him as he took a brisk walk out of her office.


"Well, now with your first month sorted out and a steady list of good clients you don't have to see Zayn that often anymore." Liam said and Harry nodded, taking a long drink of his Coke.

"But I'm not turning him away if he asks for me." He replied, arching his brows.

"Just be careful, Haz.."

"Of?" Harry laughed and placed his can down on the bonnet/hood of Liam's car where they currently sat, overlooking the beach. "I'm pretty sure we've figured that he's not some axe murderer by now."

"Yeah, he's a normal guy, Harry... a normal married guy."

Harry's smile fell and he looked ahead at the crashing waves. "And, what's your point Liam? Like, ninety percent of our clients are married."

"I know that, and you know why that's so, right?"

"Because they're unhappy and looking for happiness that they can't achieve within the marriage, I'm not an idiot." Harry says with slight attitude.

"I'm not saying that you are one, Harry." Liam looks at him, but Harry refuses to meet his eyes. "You know what happens when people start spending more and more time together."

"It's just sex, we don't know anything interesting about each other to actually become attached."

"You're not grasping the concept of this." Liam says and shakes his head.

"Yeah, because you're fucking full of shit!"

"And you're just a stubborn kid who thinks he's got everything, and everyone figured out! I've been in this business longer than you have, Harry. I know what I'm talking about and I'm just looking out for you."

"I'm not asking you too. I appreciate everything that you've done for me, but I'm not some dependent toss."

Liam ignored him and continued to speak. "It's happened to us before, Harry. Our clients get attached because we say what they want to hear, kiss them how they want to be kissed - treat them like how they should be, and then it fucking goes to their head and they're telling you that they wanna leave their spouse for you and start a family and you have to let them go. Things could get really ugly and I'm telling you this so that you can avoid it - but do whatever you want, it's your life."

Liam's totally over thinking this entire situation. Harry things and scowls at the horizon in front of him.



"Hi," Harry smiled into the kiss as he pushed Zayn's blazer off of his shoulders.

"Sorry I'm late," He pulls at Harry's white t-shirt and lifts it over his head. "I was just sorting out this weekend."

"What's happening this weekend?" Harry pants and makes fast work of undoing Zayn's belt.

"I have to go to New York for business." Zayn says and roughly turns Harry around to slam him chest first against the wall. Harry makes sure to arch his back and grind his ass up and down Zayn's crotch, getting him even harder than he already is. Zayn groans and traps Harry between the wall and his body, taking the belt out of his hand and nipping on his ear. "Oh, but what a perfect little tease you are."


Harry laughed and turned around to wrap his arms around Zayn's neck, "I know."

There's no one better than me and I know that.

Harry walks forward all the while kissing Zayn, making Zayn walk backwards until the back of his knees hit the edge of the bed and he's falling down with Harry on top of him. Fighting for dominance, the men are back and forth at flipping each other over, all the while trying to rid each other of their constricting pants.

Zayn finally gets the upper hand and has Harry's hands bound behind his back, courtesy of his belt, and is busy mercilessly thrusting into him.

"Fuck, ah - untie, untie me." Harry begs and turns his head to look at Zayn who licks his cherry lips and locks eyes with Harry - who's struggling to keep his open everytime Zayn hits his prostate. Tiny droplets of sweat forms on Zayn's forehead as his body temperature starts picking up. Harry keeps watching him, seeing how his face contorts from his growing pleasure, how he pulls his bottom lip between his teeth and hums, or bares his teeth and grunts. "Go slower." Harry rasps. He wanted to feel every single inch of Zayn. "Yeah," Harry's eyes fluttered shut, "Just like that." Zayn let his hand glide up Harry's back, up his neck and latched onto his hair, tugging him up so that he was now pressed flush against Zayn's chest and Zayn was resting against the headboard.

"Ride." Zayn instructed and gave Harry's hair another tug. Harry abides and, starts riding Zayn for all he's worth. He's moaning so much and for so long that he loses control of his breathing and has to slow his movements down until he's grinding circles on Zayn's pelvis. "Fuck, yeah, keep doing that." Zayn moans and grips onto Harry's hips to guide his movements and bucks his hips up.

Harry's feeling his body become more and more sluggish and leans his head on Zayn's shoulder. Zayn feels that he's close and one more circle of Harry's hips has him and Harry both cumming at the same time.

Zayn tugs on the belt that's still around Harry's wrists and earns a tired chuckle from him, Harry, unable to speak, stares at Zayn's lips and turns his head more, to give him a lazy, sloppy kiss as an ask to please, finally, release his hands which Zayn does, and gently massages the pink indentations that are left behind before sliding down under the covers and pulling Harry with him.

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