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pornographic or indecent.


Harry had been living in LA now for just over year and in that year he had grown exponentially, seen and learnt new things, made new lifelong friends and fallen in love. Now after having a long think over things he decided that it's time to leave this place.

"Well, Styles, I didn't expect you to last this long. It was nice knowing you."

Harry nodded and smiled at Vivian. "Thank you for everything. It was a wild ride." He laughed.

Harry had left the escort agency well before February, when his feelings for Zayn had become too much to handle and he didn't want to see anyone but him. Since February, the last time he saw Zayn, he had put his apartment back on the market and made arrangements to go back home.


"Coming!" Liam shouted and grabbed a white t-shirt that was lying on the side of his bed. Pulling it over his head and opening the door, he was met with a short haired Harry.

"Hey," He greets and his eyes flicker to the fat cat in his arms. ".... You're leaving, aren't you?" He asks and Harry nods.

"For good. I'm going to try and start again in London.. Make an actual name for myself." He explains. "Be with my family."

Liam nods in understanding and as much as he'll miss one of his best friend's, that he's grown to know and love, he's happy for Harry to restart and find peace in his life.

After quitting the agency Harry told Liam everything. How things progressed with Zayn, what happened to Dan, him and Zayn ending things - it was all just like the flood gates opening and Liam took everything in and was there for him.

"I, uhm, I didn't want to take him to the shelter because I know no one will take him because he's so fucking lazy." Harry laughs and looks at Tom who's looking up at him, his tail flicking up as if understanding and confirming that what Harry is saying, is in fact true. "... And I don't want him to get put down, so I was wondering... would you mind taking him in?" Liam smiles at the cat and scratches its' head. "He actually prefers his chest being scratched to his head." Harry informs him with a small smile.

Liam laughs and takes the not-so-little guy into his arms. "Christ Harry, what do you feed him?"

"Just normal cat food I swear, and I never overfeed him... I donno, maybe he has a thyroid problem or something." He laughs and runs a hand through his hair. "Uh, I have his bed and, food and, toys and, stuff in the car." Harry mentions, sheepishly.

"He really grew on you, huh?" Liam says and puts Tom down inside his house to help Harry get the stuff from his car.

"Yeah, he did."

After getting everything ready it's time for final goodbyes and Harry doesn't really know where to start. "Thank you for everything, Liam."

"Ah, don't go getting all soft on me, Styles."

"I'm serious, I probably wouldn't have made it out here without your help." Harry's says sincerely.

"I think you would have." Liam says folding his arms over his chest and nods. He's always had faith that because Harry was a go - getter he would always set out to work towards what he wanted with or without help. Harry smiles, appreciating Liam's words and took a step forward to give him a big hug. "Take care of yourself, kid." Liam said and gave him a pat on his back, making Harry let out a short laugh.

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