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involving or given to unusual sexual behavior.


Harry was a sweaty mess. He ripped off his t-shirt, throwing it to the ground and pushed his body to keep going harder and faster.

Finally the treadmill beeped informing him that he had just finished his run. Grabbing his bottle of ice water, he doused himself in it and took a few healthy gulps.

"Good jobs. Let's go to weights." Liam said, smacking his shoulder."So," He positioned himself next to Harry to be his spotter.

"So?" Harry laid down and prepared himself to start lifting.

"How did last night go?"


"Good," he counted as he spoke. Liam waited patiently for Harry to go into detail. He looked up at Liam's expectant face and laughed through his panting breaths. "I got a thousand bucks and all I did was give him a blow job."


"So you really went through with it?!" Liam gasped, "Wait...holy shit, a thousand?"



"Damn... Okay, rest." Liam said helping Harry with the dumbbell.

"I'm seeing him again today." Harry said resting his gloved hands on his rapidly rising and falling stomach.

" you're totally comfortable with him?"

"Yea, I didn't think I would be, but I am - come on Liam, you have to admit he's good looking." He said looking at Liam's face who didn't seem to be too impressed by Zayn.

"I mean, I guess.... He's okay."

Harry rolled his eyes and rested his hands behind his head, feeling more at ease as his heart rate came down. "If I can meet up with him everyday this week that's seven grand."

"So you'd be fine with know," Liam gestured with his hand and gave Harry a look.

Harry shot up and was standing just inches away from Liam in a matter of seconds. "With him what, Lee-yuuum? Fucking?" Harry whispered and stuck out his tongue to run it 'seductively' over his top lip making Liam laugh and shove him away. Harry chuckled and fixed his messy bun. "I don't mind fucking him."

"Yea..but Harry what if he wants to fuck you?"

"Well then he gets to fuck me." Harry surprised himself by saying that. He took in a deep breath and propped his leg up on the bench next to him. "He's got the nicest hotel room - better than my apartment. I want that, I want a beach house like yours. I wanna live comfortably, maybe even send some money home to my family." Harry said sincerely and looked down as he played with his fingers. Liam had never seen this vulnerable side of him before, and he'd certainly not heard a thing about his family. "So," Harry quickly went back to his happy, cheery, cheeky self not wanting to discuss personal matters further, "He gets to have all the fun he wants with this sweet ass." He says and smacks his backside before getting back to lifting weights.

Liam feels sorry for Harry. In their short time of being together Harry's grown on him and because he's eight years older than the Brit lad, it's only natural that he sees him as a kid brother and wants the best for him. Seeing that he wants to drop the subject and push forward with his workout, Liam does just that and changes the subject to an upcoming basketball game that he has an extra ticket to.

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