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Axel's POV

" What are you saying, Emerald?She has left in the morning?" I said frustratedly. This girl will be death of mine.

" Aiden she isn't home yet. I have checked every possible place she might go. Aiden, find my sister. I can't live if something happens with her. Please find her out. I beg you. Please save her." She was crying hard.

" First of all please cool down. I am here. I won't let anything happen to my princess. She is my life you know that." I said getting more pissed now with her behavior.

" Aiden, I feel something bad is going to happen? " she said in a shaky voice.

" She is angry with me." I said controlling anger.

" But she is not with me. She can't stay that long without taking with me. " she cried again.

" Okay. Is Zach there with you? " I asked as Zach called me awhile ago to tell everything happened.

"Yeah. I called him as your phone was switched off." She said.

" I am coming sis, don't worry. No one can harm my princess. " I said and I hang out.

Is this girl crazy?! Where's she? I am gonna see her when I get her. She is seriously lake of manners. I reached the Cooper's house. I saw they all are tensed. My heart is arching for my girl. Is she okay? Wait once I get you I will chain you up with me. You stupid. Where are you?!

Evelyn's POV

It is dark. Where am I? My head is arching like hell. What am I doing here?

I remembered what happened. My Aiden is alive. I am beyond happy. God has accepted my prayer. He sent him back. I was angry with him and I left his office came to the parking lot and cried. Then.... Oh my goodness.?! Marc has kidnapped me?!?

" Crap!" I cursed.

The door suddenly opened. Some people entered. As they came in front of me they were my family who used to torture me.

" Hey, sister. " Noah told me. Sara stepped on my palm. I screamed.

My dad was watching this with an unreadable expression. Noah left my palm and Sara dragged me by my hair I was paining like hell. I was stood in front of Merlin who was watching me in a intense anger.

" Well, bitch my son needs Emerald and you will convince her to come here. Okay?" She said and I wanted to smack her head so bad.

" You are bitch, no you are a  whore. You have slept numerous guys behind the back of my dad. Your son and daughters are like you. My sister is innocent. I would rather die than do that. She won't do that. I don't care about me. You can do whatever you want. There is Axel and Zach to protect Emerald. " I shouted.

She slapped me so hard I fall down to the ground. I feel my lips were bleeding.

" I didn't ask you, I told you. " she said angrily.

" I won't " I gritted.

" Okay , I will. " she said.

She told Marc to call Uncle John. My dad was watching me. What is his expression? Pain. He is in pain for me?!?! No, Lee what are you thinking? You gone mad.

Emerald's POV

God, please save my sister. I don't want anything else. Have ever asked for happiness? Have ever ask for anything ? Please I am asking for one thing in my life please save her. I was crying hard.

Aunty Clara and Zach was sitting beside me. Zach was trying to help me. He hugged me tightly I hugged him back. I was broken, feared and weak inside. My brain wasn't working, my heart was sinking.

The children are there I saw Elle and Anna crying and they were hugging there brother who was crazily crying for Lee as Lee Love him a so much. Axel and uncle John is on phone. Talking with people.

Zach hold my hands and kissed my forehead. I was stabled but was sobbing. " Why? Why God is so cruel to me, Zach?" I asked.

Zach hold my hands tightly and hugged me. He didn't say anything. His actions was enough for me to stable. He was healing me. He looked at his brother. I left him. He went to Axel they were talking. Suddenly uncle John's phone rang.

" Yeah. Who is this? "Uncle kept the phone on speaker.

" Well, Cooper you forget me that easy?" I hard that witch's voice and my blood boiled at once.

" Merlin?!" I shouted.

" Marc you have chosen perfect girl. Look how clever she is. Oh, yes darling. Your Mother In Law to be." She said just to make me feel disgusting.

" Don't speak rubbish. ". Aunty shouted.

" Oh Clara. You are there. Low life you snatch John from me. I have no intention to hear you. I want you know that Lee is here with me. Don't fear. Alive still now. I don't know if she is going to live tomorrow or not? " she said with her hell scary voice.

" No, no, no. don't hurt her. I will do anything you want. Please leave her. she is innocent. Marc needs me. I will do that. Please don't hurt her. " I screamed like a mad.

" Well. Honey I'm sending you a address come here. If you inform police or gather people you will be responsible for your own deed." She hung out.

I was trembling. My sister is in danger. I have to help her. No matter what happened. The sister who saved me always, this is the time of paying back. Even if I have to gone through the nightmare.

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