New Life

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Axel's POV

My phone!!! It was ringing. I wake up at once and picked it up immediately not even bother to see the caller ID.

Two days have passed since I met the girls but they are just vanished. Well they can't hide more. Wherever they go I will find them out.

"You have no idea what can I do, Princess. You haven't played right. Wrong move. You need to be punished. You'll get it. Very soon. My love it's my time now you can't dominant little Princess." I was thinking that when I got asleep.

" Good morning, Sir. There is a news about Miss Evans " it was Jack.

My heart started to pound hard. "Call it", I hardly said.

" Sir they are found " I smirked good I knew it.

"Bring them to my place". I was thinking about them. Evelyn you are dead now.

" I am afraid that we can't do that." What!!! What is bothering!? Evelyn got feisty... She is stubborn after all. Can't help it. Princess you have push me so far now. You are gonna dead babe.

"Anyhow take them here. Even if you need to force them, I won't mind. Just drag them here." I busted in anger.

"Who is it, Bro? Need help? Will I send my men too?" I gesture him to relax and have seat.

" No sir, there is another problem. We can't handle it " Jack said from the other side.

" They are with Mr. and Mrs. Cooper now at their house. It seems they are related. Even Miss Evans are working in the restaurant of Mr. Cooper with Mrs. Cooper." Jack said to surprised me.

" What?!!Then why can't you take here.??" I asked.

" Sir Mr. Cooper is a very good friend of your father and helped every single time you needed. So..." Jack said.

I Understand that. I can't insult him. He helped me so much. If they are with him then they are in good hands. But still have confused. One person can answers. I took my jacket and grabbed Zach. Let's talk.

"Where are we going Bro?" Zach asked.

"Meet them" I answered started for Cooper's place.

" Already have found them?!!!" he asked.

"Let's go". I said.

"Stop Bro. Where are they?" he asked.

"With Johnathan Cooper" I said.

" What?" he was also shocked.

"Even working for him". I added more.

" Bro, I think you should not interfere, it's their life. " he said I turned to him.

" But she's mine." I said coldly.

" I know Bro how deeply you love her after all she has done. But still she is not even your fiancée, so there is no right of your to stop her. She is mature. Even her parents can't do anything. Think about it. " he said trying to make me stable as I was burning at my worst rage.

"Later. Now let's go". I said.

" Bro..." he tried to explain but I cut him in the middle.

"Zach. Let's just go. Okay?" I said.

"You are impossible" he said.

"I know", I smiled

Evelyn's POV

Two days ago we found a new family. My uncle,aunt and cousins. We are beyond happy. My life was very twisted with pain and curse. But now it's getting better I guess.

I told Uncle John why we ran away. He assured me that I don't have to be worried anymore. I trust him. He will do something.

I don't want to see the face of the jerk. Stupid thing I had ever seen. Though his dashing look and handsome stuff he couldn't make a good impression on me.

That's totally my fault. I think no one can or will do that. I lost the eyes or emotions of finding someone dashing or handsome after he is gone. I lost the ability to love someone so deeply and I can't give the place to anyone else.

I feel that my words are hurting Axel Anderson but I can't help it. I am the way I am. I can't hurt him. I can't marry him. Cause it will be very injustice to him. I know he is determined to get me. But I won't let him win me. It will be cheating on him. I can't love anyone.

Uncle John took us to his Restaurant. It's very beautiful. Aunt Clara runs it.

She told us, "Why not you join me, girls?"

"Can we?" Emie asked.

"I would be more than happy if you." Aunt Clara said.

"Well your wish is command. We are in." I told smilingly.

"Hug time" she hugged us all.

She is 42 but acts like 12. I love her so much. She actually don't want us work, she just wants to spend more time with us. I feel motherly love in her acts that I missed all these years.

She told us she is going to give us all that happiness we deserved. What can I say , she is Aunt Clara at least.

Now she is running after Emie to force her drink a huge glass full of milk. Since Emie hates milk she is running her life and the kids encouraging her not to stop. I am watching this while eating breakfast.

Uncle John entered the dining. I bid him good morning.

He said, "Angel. I have something to tell you. Ummm... About Anderson. They are my business partner. He knows you are with me. Maybe he will come to meet you today."

"That's it. OK. I will meet him. Now have a seat and take your breakfast I'll serve you and let me. I won't take a no as answer." I said smilingly.

He smiled and asked "OK as you wish but  Where is everyone? "

"They are hunting Emie for drinking milk. " I said.

"I win" Aunt Clara's voice said .

"You cheated" Eme cried.

"But win is win Girly." Aunty said.

They came together and seated their chairs. We started breakfast. Aunt Clara has placed huge amount of food in Emie's plate and placed some more to mine too which was enough to make mine and Emie's equal.

Emie was looking at the plate like the has to have 10 stomach to have it. I am also thinking the same actually. Then Aunt Clara shifts food to children's plate. Same. They were shaking head which means they have impossible mom.

Then aunt turned to uncle John but not before warning us to finish every single thing in our plate. We 5 just gulped to see the plate like huge mountain.

She asked uncle,"Sweetheart, can we do something for Emie to shift her last year of graduation any of University here?She doesn't want to go back. "

"Of course, Honey. I will talk with Mrs. Wilson. She has some influence here." He said smilingly. We smiled at him.

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