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Emerald's POV

I reached the office and sat on my chair behind my desk. It's in the corner of the floor. Lee's room is in the end just 3 rooms away. This floor is for office.

The views from my cabin of outside NYC is just great and it can make happy anyone. I learn back to my chair. My fever is gone but the terrible headache hasn't. The arms are still paining but it's bearable. I thought I was going to die. God..the pain.. I closed my eyes.

Lee and Aunt Clara didn't want me to come and work. But I have to. I know they love me and can't see me in pain, then how can I see them in stress!!! There are a lot of works. They need me. But they strictly forbidden me to do anything. They will ask if they need any help.

" May I come in? " someone said.

"Yes,come in" It's Julie. She is the assistant of Aunt Clara in office. But now she is working for me and Lee. She has a tray on her hand. Two cups of coffee.

"Coffee?" She asked smilingly.

"Oh, sure. Thanks ,Julie." I smiled back.

" Lee told me you aren't doing well? You should be at home, sweetie. " she said handing a cup to me.

" Well, I had a fever when I got hurt in those which was already injured and half healed. But I was feeling guilty. Two events tomorrow. How can I take rest like a Lazy odd?" I said.

" You need not to be worried sweetie. We are here. We all love you. The events are not important than your health." She said and I smiled.

" Well, have you all discussed about the thing?" I asked.

"Which thing?" She sipped her coffee.

"To tell me the same thing, work is not important than me!!!Cause, by God Lee and Aunt Clara was also telling me that." I said.

"Well, Girly. We meant it. You mean lot for us. You and Lee." She smiled.

"You're so nice." I said.

" I know " she smiled.

" Tell me a lil' bit about the events" I said.

" They events are going to take place at floor 7 and 19. Cause these are the auditorium of this hotel. There is a office meeting in the floor 7 and fashion show at 19." She said.

"Who are the organizers?" I asked keenly.

"Umm.. The Anderson?" she said to make my blood boil.

" What?!!! " I said controlling over my anger.

"Yes. They are our old customers. Though they have hotels and biggest places for events of their own around NYC they arrange the biggest events here." She said.

" Axel Anderson's father Donavon Anderson was very close friend of your Uncle Mr. Cooper. They started business together. Since then they use Cooper's place. They do events their places too. But they usually use ours." She said.

"Well. Are they family friends?" I asked.

" Oh, yes. Your Aunt Clara, Axel's mom Johannah and Zach's mom Scarlett are best friends if you don't know. " she said.

"Really?" I asked.

" Yes, they are." She said.

" Oh." I said. "By the way thanks for the coffee. Your coffee is the best coffee I have ever have" I said.

"My pleasure, well take rest. We will call you if it's necessary. Okay?" I nodded.

"Julie?" I Called her name.

"Yes, Emerald?" She turned.

" Did Lee sent you here? " I know she did.

" Umm...yes. But she told not to tell you that. She is a great sister. She loves you so much. Her all thoughts starts from you and ends at you." She said.

" That's why I am worried about her. She thinks a lot about me. I am scared what if she lost her own life and joy by taking care of me so much? I don't want that. She deserves Happiness. I don't want her suffer anymore. She had has enough of it. She protects me always. Isn't that my duty to make sure about her life fills happiness? " I said.

" You know sometimes I got confused about your love game, actually who loves another more, you or Lee?"she shook her head.

"Well, I just want to see her happy." I said.

"She wants the same, Emerald." She said.

" Julie? " I asked.

"Yes?" She said.

" If I ever ask for help, will you help me? " I asked.

" Of course Girly. Now take a rest. That can help you." She took my coat and put it on me to cover my body. It feels warm. Well, I am fool. I could do that before.

"Bye Emerald. Take rest" she said.

"Bye, Julie. Thanks." I said.

I slept for his knows long until my phone buzzed. I woke up and take the call.

" Emerald? " aunty called.

"Aunty you need anything?" I said.

"No sweetie, are you doing well?" She asked.

" I am bored. Please let me do something. " I begged.

" Well. I will still not allow you. Take rest you need it." She said.

"Please... Please" I pleaded.

" Lee will just kill me if I. She strictly forbidden " she said I sighed, this girl!!!

" She won't know. " I tried to convince her.

"Well, there are a investor of our new project is here. He will discuss with you about events today." She said. "Alright, he is this Zachary Anderson, be polite please. Prove that you are my Girly. Now you take a rest." She cut the call.

Zach the jerk is here. Wow. OK. I will show him some manners. I leaned over the chair close my eyes slept. I woke up in at someone clearing his throat.

"Zach?" I saw him standing in front of my desk.

"Yeah, I think so." Jerk!!!

"Mr. Anderson don't you have a common manner to knock before crashing down someone's cabin?" I said in a disguised tone.

"I have knocked several times. You didn't answer. I found you sleeping." Jerk said in his pride.
Real jerk.

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