Chapter 10

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Chapter Ten: Who Art Thou?

Kairess POV


Although summer is nowhere near, this Monday morning is warmer than usual. The skies' serenity sends off a good vibe for a stroll at tranquil places, but since vacation is also nowhere near, here I am slouching on my desk filled with wishful thinking. Our class in Literature is currently taking its peak on everyone's boredom. We've got a hold of ourselves until jejune lectures are finally over.

"Goodness, I've almost turned my notebook into a drawing pad." Kaelyn slams her hands on the desk. Chuckling between breaths, I nab the notebook from her desk and scan the back of its pages as I please. Various characters and figures are randomly loaded together, and everything is surprisingly well detailed. I even find a decent sketch of me with some cat ears while slouching.

"These are incredibly fascinating doodles of a bored student in class," I comment, imitating how our professor in Arts gives his criticisms.

"Literature class seriously improved my skills," she shrugs, "and boredom was real stuff."

"And it seems the pages didn't suffice your restlessness," I add, pointing out the cute small figures doodled on her hands, a significant ennui of coping up with a handful of time spent idly on listening. She smiles at it.

"Oh anyway, the guy we helped last week, I've come to know a bit of his identity."

"Oh the wounded one. Have you found something interesting in him? Or rather, have you found your interest in him, hmm? " I ask indifferently.

Her hardly pressed lips turn into a lopsided smile. Then she places both of her intertwined hands beneath her chin. As her long time interlocutor I've been greatly familiar with her mannerisms in a conversation. Her action now speaks interest. A rousing interest.

With a bravado she replies, "A bit."

"A bit of both, you mean?" A grin spread widely across my lips. She's about to say something, but then closed her mouth again and portrays a sham smile.

"He's a delinquent."

I stare at her long enough to make her realize I'm resisting the urge to roast her at the moment. Calmly, I manage to give her a, "Wow that's news flash and the best part is you've only noticed it now. Like damn, it actually took you a week to notice."

"I can't simply judge him. He may a victim of bullying at that time."

"My impression begs to differ, Kae. He wasn't manifesting a victim's fear. Those wounds and bruises tell me that he's been on the edge since the beginning of whatever fight he had and he seemed to be used to it."

"He happens to be like that, because he grew up among the shadow of valiant and puissant descendants. That's why he's well known for his fighting and combat skills. He's become a common target by this popular notion. They want to see for themselves if he's really good at fighting."

All I can hear is a mealy-mouthed narration.

"In other words, he grew up in a family of gangsters," I pause for a deep inhale, "What a despicable guy. Truly, we are unfortunate to cross paths with him."

"It's actually a bloodline of warriors."

My lips draw a shape of 'O' as my theory failed, "Is he using that advantage to prove himself to his folks or is it just a self-centered purpose?"

"Who knows? But they've also got a beautiful bloodline, don't they?" Kaelyn's dreamy eyes are somewhat envisaging his pretty face. His projected presence, playing as a leading role in such teenage gratifying fantasies.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2018 ⏰

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