Chapter 4

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Chapter Four: Careful What You Wish For

Kairess POV


As the foundation day draws near the pressure grows burdensome. My body isn't getting accustomed to the fatigue I'v been suffering these past few days, causing my muscles to cramp more often.

For the meantime, I have to rest a little in the infirmary while the pain of a recently cramped leg is disabling me to walk straight. I lay quietly on the bed, idling, spacing out in contrary to the busy nurse. I've been watching her do her stuffs and it's getting somewhat vapid.

Seconds keep on running on the clock, its ticking oozes to my ears like a creepy lullaby. I want to do something, but the momentarily disability is starting to trigger my laziness.

I wish someone will swoosh my boredom away. I mutter in my head as I turn my gaze towards the sky, who's peeking gracefully at the window. Azure blue sky. Cumulus clouds. They surely make an infinite beauty up the earth, and beneath the heavens.

God, please give me someone to talk to.

Perhaps God hears my silent thought this time and steers the wheel of fate. The door suddenly slams open, revealing two outrageous people I've ever seen. A deceitful lady and a dangerous lad.

Guess who? ;)

My eyes keep on tailing them as they walk across the room so casually. Akiyama quickly notices me on my current spot, while Harumi approaches the nurse who's absorbed in jotting down records.

So did you get them right?

Inimitably, I meet Akiyama's breathtaking glare. He's got this kind of look that one couldn't just simply shrug off. Thus, he fumes a strong psychic staring effect to the one he's staring at.

Oh fudge. I wish a crow would poof in front of him so it could peck his eyes out.

I find myself frozen for a moment. The way he does nothing yet he appears baleful will really test a person's guts. I deliberately avert his eyes and pretend that someone has contacted my cellphone.

I can still feel his burning gaze that's making me feel uncomfortable every jiffy. Nervously tapping my thumb on the screen, I end up scrolling the wallpaper again and again. There's nothing more interesting in my phone than an RPG played online, but screw the internet connection. Screw life. Screw Akiyama. Screw the nurse. Screw that bug on the window!

Sighing, I close my eyes and place my phone on my chest. I'm sure I want something entertaining not unsettling.

*knock... knock...*

The soft knocks echoe around the room. The nurse quickly excuses herself to Harumi, but even before she knows it, the door slams open for the second time. This time it catches everyone by surprise, not just me.

"Excuse me. I'm coming in."

Polite yet rowdy. Modest yet carefree. Yes, my bestfriend, takes a flashy entrance as if the doorway is Hollywood's red carpet. Her thick stranded, florid hair sways gracefully as she comes running to me.

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