Escapes Pt. 2

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Me- Man shut up!

Jacob- No no no, let me explain. See, the reason I don't like yo ass, is because you stole Peyton from me!


Jacob- It's called being nervous Ray! 

Me- Whatever.

Jacob- But I guess it don't matter now cause she's mine.

I was taking in a large ass breath, ready to argue, but then I remembered... it's better just to keep my mouth shut. I decided to just play along.

Me- Yeah man you're right, and if she went to you, I guess you can't be a bad dude after all. 

Jacob- Yeah, I guess you weren't bad either... bros?

Me- Bros.

We did a little hug, and I had a smirk on my face. Bros? Yeah right nigga.

Princeton- So.... Marqus.

Marqus- Princeton.

Princeton- Nice job on kidnapping my girl. 

Marqus- What can I say? I gotta take what's mine!

Princeton- I just have one bit of advice for you for the future. If you want a girl, cherish her. You should never have to kidnap anyone bro.

Marqus- I'll keep that in mind...

Princeton- Oh, and one more thing man.

Princeton took a few steps closer to Marqus until he was right in front of his face. 

Princeton- If you EVER put your hands on Kenya again.... Hahaha... you got a world of pain ahead of you bro.

Jawan- And he aint kidding. Cuz I'll help him.

Marqus- Okay okay okay... there's this other girl I had in mind anyways.

Princeton- That's what I thought.

Jawan- So Myles, what is it? I know you're pissed for some reason so you might as well come out and say it.

Myles- Well yeah. You took my fucking spot man. Everyone knows I'm the DJ. Like wtf you doing trying to DJ?

Jawan- I have actually been DJiing since I was a kid. My Dad taught me how man. I know you are a VERY talented DJ, and heck, I probably would've put you as the DJ on the show, but I didn't pick it. They all came up to me, Amaya, and Penny and told us that we had to join the show. I'm sorry they didn't pick you, but if they make a new season... which I doubt since every single one seems to be ruined, I'm sure you'll be on it. 

Myles- Oh.... okay man. And I'm sorry for being mad... I just never really get my time in the spotlight you know?

Jawan- To be honest, it aint as cracked up as you think it is.

Jacob- Hahaha... okay yall can cut the shit now. We know exactly why you're here. 


We all crept down the hallway, till we heard voices. At first I was trying to figure out who it was, then I heard that stupid laugh. Jacob. I pointed for us to go the other way, and they all followed my lead. I loved being in front. It always gave me a sense of power. I decided to just go back down to the basement where we had snuck in, since that was the only way i knew for sure would work. 

We finally got to the door, and I opened it up letting all of them go first. This was just too easy. We are some real thugs! We even got Brittany through! Hahaha! This was just too great!

When everyone was through, I was the last one down the stairs. I ran down the stairs with the largest grin on my face, until I was stopped by Roc, who was just standing there at the bottom of the stairs, along with the rest of them. 

Me- Yall, wtf are you doing? We need to go!

So I pushed my way through them and then I saw why they weren't saying anything, or moving. There, stood Bre, Zonnique, Bahja, Kyndal, Mariah, Jaden, and Diggy. All with glares on their faces, although it wasn't the glares I was focused on, it was the guns that were pointed right at us.

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