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*At Beyonce's Rehersal*

Beyonce- So yall, anyone got a group name?

Kenya- Yeah! I mean hey, we gon win like everytime so... we should be called the Superstars!

Beyonce- Nice! I love it! What about yall?

Everyone Else- Yeah!

 Mariah- Okay so Beyonce, have you figured out what song we are gonna do yet?

Beyonce- Actually, I wanted to see what song you wanted to do. I dont think yall would pick a bad song.

Ray Ray- Awesome! I got the perfect song! How about Love Sosa!?

Girls- NO!

Kylie- We should totally do Bitch Don't Kill My Vibe!

Boys- NO!

Beyonce- I take it back... both of yalls choices SUCK. I got a great song! Put It Down!

Everyone- Ayee!

Beyonce- See it's perfect! And, even better... on the stage, we are gonna decorate it like it's a party! It's gonna be so cool! The girls are gonna be in the front singing at first and the boys are gonna notice yall, but each dude wants the wrong girl, so yall keep switching, until you find the right guy, which is the guy you go with!

Peyton- Whut.

Jaden- Basically, like for example.... in the beginning, let's say Diggy is checkin you out, then yall keep singing and yall eventually dance together, and yall realize yall arent right for eachother, so you move on to another and another until you reach Ray Ray.

Peyton- Niceee!

Beyonce- Now it's time to figure out the order... whew! OK....

1st- Diggy will fall for Mariah, Jaden will fall for Kyndal, Ray Ray will fall for Kenya, and Princeton will fall for Peyton

2nd- Diggy will fall for Peyton, Ray Ray will fall for Kyndal, Jaden will fall for Kenya, and Princeton will fall for Mariah

3rd- Diggy will fall for Kenya, Princeton will fall for Kyndal, Jaden will fall for Peyton, and Ray Ray will fall for Mariah

4th- Back to your real couples. Diggy and Kyndal, Princeton and Kenya, Peyton and Ray Ray, and Jaden and Mariah

Princeton- OK! What about the choreography!?

Beyonce- Haha okay, me, Kenya, you, Ray Ray, Diggy, and Jaden are coming up with the choreography. Team work! Haha!

Mariah- We are totally gonna win with yalls choreography!

Peyton- Right! Welp, me Kyndal and Mariah will be over there chillin while yall figure out what to do!

Beyonce- Nope, we need yall to figure out the positioning! *Looks at watch* Okay.... dang! It's 7:30 already! We gotta hurry! Tomorrow's the big day yall so we won't rehearse tomorrow obviously.

Diggy- What time is the show tomorrow?

Beyonce- Noon, it's gonna be an outside performance. Oh! And yall are gonna have background dancers, idk if Jay is... but yall are since we are having a party scene!

Everyone- Awesome!

Beyonce- Okay, enough chit chat, we got work to do!

****** PLEASE COMMENT YALL! Like for real, I have NO idea how I am doing, and I need feedback! Like, if I don't know how Im doing, I might as well stop.... I really need feedback so please vote and comment guys*******

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