Red Carpet Flow

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???- Yo Kyndal!!! Wake up!!!!! We are here!!

*Kyndal's POV*

I woke up to the voice of Peyton screaming in my ear. I guess we finally arrived in L.A.! Well... I leaned over in my seat and looked out and all I saw were a whole bunch of cameras, surrounding our private jet.  I noticed that there was a red carpet that lead to the building... wow, so is it like The Wizard of Oz now?! Damn, I had no idea they would start filming right when we got off the jet! We all got up and moved towards the front of the jet with all of our stuff. The carpet that was laid out extended all the way to a really large building. Finally, Kenya and Princeton made the first move to the front of the plane, once they gathered all their stuff, and we all followed after them. When I stepped off the jet... I was blinded by all of the crowding cameras. It got so bad, that I eventually had to put my hands over my eyes, no matter how stupid it probably looked, I couldn't take the bright lights. I guess I was drifting off of the carpet, because I soon felt an arm wrap around my waist, and pull me closer to them. It had to be Diggy.

Diggy- You okay baby?

Me- These lights hurt SO bad omg!

Diggy- Yeah, they are something that you will eventually get used to.

Me- Gosh, I hope it's soon! Are we at that builing yet?

Diggy- Wait... *opens the door* okay! We are in!

I opened my eyes to see the back of Mariah's head as she walked with Jaden. I loved how we were all in couples in a line. Kenya and Princeton were first, followed by Peyton and Ray Ray, Mariah and Jaden, Me and Diggy, Amaya and Patrick, Penny and Jawan, Nakeesha and Young Marqus, and Kristina and Lil Twist in the back. Finally taking everthing in, I noticed that it looked a lot like a concert hall. The red carpet we were walking on soon came to an end when we reached two large doors. Kenya and Princeton paused for a moment, and then together, they pushed them open.

It was a large theater. Once Kristina and Twist stepped in the room, since they were last, we heard a loud, booming, disguised voice fill the room.


We all ran to the front row. I noticed that camera men were in the back of the theater, I guess they just came in behind us when we walked in. I am really freaked out tho man... that voice was scary as hell! Suddenly, the lights on the stage in front of us turned on, and a very familiar guy walked out to the stage. It was Nique's father! T.I!

T.I.- Why hello there kids!

Us- Hey Mr. Harris!

T.I.- So, I am sorry to say that I am NOT one of your producers, but I have the honor to announce them. Now, I know that y'all have been waiting forever to find out who the producers are, so I won't keep yall waiting. Okay.... your hosts are..... the FABULOUS couple.... JAY Z AND BEYONCE!

Us- AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Peyton- OMG!!!!!

Mariah- NO WAY!!!!!!

Lil Twist- DANG!!!!! HOW DID THEY GET THEM!?!?!?!

*Beyonce and Jay Z walked out on the stage, and we all settled down again.*

Beyonce- Hey guys! We are very honored to be yalls new co produers!

Jay Z- Yes! And now that we are here, we would like to tell yall about the show this season.

Beyonce- Yes... first off, the name of the show for this season is called Power Trip, because of what yall will be doing this summer!

Jay Z- Yeah, basically, yall are going on a power trip, or what I like to call it, a TOUR! 

Us- WHOA! 

Beyonce- Yeah! No matter what your talent is guys, whether you want to be an athlete, a model, a dancer, singer...... whatever... you have to show confidence!

Jay Z- However, this isn't like your normal tour

Jawan- *whispers to Penny* Opp... here it comes..

Jay Z- We are gonna split yall up, the returning people and the newbies, and I will coach one team and B will coach the other! Every show yall perform, you are going to to a different routine. It will teach yall how to trust one another, it will teach you hard work, and overall, it will show you how hard people work to reach their dreams.

Beyonce- Yeah, and with that being said, I will be coaching the returning people, and Jay has the new people!

Us- YAY!

Beyonce- We also figured that since yall are basically giving up your summer, and your chances of having summer jobs and all that, yall WILL get paid for this tour. However, the teams are competing against eachother at each show. Which ever crew gets the most claps at the end, each member from that crew will recieve a $5,000 bonus, like i said, for each performance.

Jay Z- Yeah, any questions?

Penny- Yes, when are we leaving, and when is our first performance?

Jay Z- Well, lucky for yall, the first show is here in L.A, so we don't have to travel. The show won't be tomorrow, but the next day. 

Beyonce- Oh, and we have a surprise as well! To end the tour, the last spot will be held in yalls city NYC, in front of your entire school and family members. Also, one more thing.... after this season, the show is being cancelled, so we have to go out with a bang yall. 

Jawan- What!? Why is it being cancelled?

Me- JAWAN! You already know why! Jacob tried to freakin kill us!

Jay Z- Haha yeah, hey, it was supposed to be cancelled then, but everyone was already planning for this season so... here we are!

Mariah- Oh! I have a question, what is the name of the tour?

Beyonce- It's called, The Dream Tour. 

Princeton- And what our crew names?

Jay Z- Yall will pick those yourselves, once we get into rehearsal, which should be about now actually! Come on crew, leggo!

*Penny, Jawan, Amaya, Patrick, Kristina, Lil Twist, Nakeesha, and Young Marqus all left the theater following Jay Z*

Beyonce- So, who's ready to learn a routine?!?!


-OK, I need name ideas for the different crews cuz i got nothing! So comment if you got an idea, and if I like it, I will dedicate the next chapter to you! 

-I won't update until I get crew names, so PLEASE comment yall!

- Anyways, thanks yall for reading the story and  I hope yall enjoy this story!


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