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"Louis stop!" I exclaimed trying to smack his arm.

"Harry get off!" he yelled back trying to scoot away from me.

"But your cheating!" I yelled as I tried to finish in first place with my Mario character but Louis was to quick for me and ended our round in first and me in second.

I put my controller down and looked at him in anger.

"What?" he asked innocently.

"I know you cheated."

"I did not cheat." Louis said with a 'fake' hurt look upon his face.

"Oh bullshit. Yes you did."

"You, can't, prove, anything." he said smiling and getting up.

"Louis get back here!" I called following him into the kitchen.

"Would you like a sandwich for lunch dear?" Louis asked.

"Don't call me dear you dick."

"You are what you eat." Louis shrugged.

"Louis." I said making a grossed out face. "You don't have to bring sex up at a time like this."

"Well we are close enough I think."

"It's only been one and a half weeks."

"Oh?" Louis said. "Living in this house makes it feel like one and a half years."

"Oh shut the hell up." I said chuckling. "You couldn't live without me or Opal. We've become your routine."

"Um-" he paused. "-I'll just miss Opal."

"You're horrible." I said rolling my eyes.

Louis smiled and started laughing.

"I love having a little bit of banter with you."

"Same." I smiled and started laughing as well.

"So when is your mom getting back with Opal?"

"I don't know? Got a hot date?"

"No I don't." Louis said pouting. "I can't find any men here that I like."

"Well that really sucks for you." I said pretending to care.

"You're the dick."

"Well I actually have a hot date tonight."

"Oh?" Louis said surprised. "What's her name?"


"Sounds lovely."

"Yeah she is." I nodded smiling some.

"When did you two meet?"

"She goes to my school and we've been talking for a little. I just forgot about her when O arrived in my life. But yesterday she contacted me and asked me out on a date."

"Well then I hope everything goes well." Louis smiled.

"Thanks bro." I said getting up and patting him on the shoulder. "I have to go get ready right now."

"Oh alright." he nodded.

I then went up to my room and started a shower for myself.

Once I got in I let the hot water run down my back as I thought of Kendall.

I really want something good to come out of this. Even if it's just sex and I know that's bad. But Lottie's the only person I've ever had and I've been craving it since the night she took my youth which is also the night she gave me a life that I call Opal.

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