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The funeral took about an hour, but after words everyone got up and made their way to the snack bar in the back room.

I decided to take Opal up to the casket.

I hadn't seen Lottie in so long. I just had to look at her.

So I made my way up there with O.

When I got there I looked down and had to hold back my tears.

She looked beautiful.


I can't believe she's gone either. It's harder knowing she still probably loved me. She didn't stay with me because she was afraid I'd say something to her but really I wouldn't have been mad. I would have helped her along through this. Also it would have been nice to spend the last nine months with her before she passed away.

Opal made a small noise that then interrupted my thoughts.

"Well Opal, this is your mommy." I said and what I couldn't believe was that I got a reaction out of her.

She smiled.

"Ha, yes Opal. That's your mommy."

Opal started smiling and moving her arms a little.

I looked away from it all and started to cry. I tried holding my tears in but they started pouring out of me now.

Niall saw and came to my rescue.

"Here, I've got her." he said holding onto her now. "Go take a breather."

"Thank you." I whispered nodding.

I then walked down a hallway to become calm.

"Stop crying Harry." I whispered to myself. "You've got this. Stop being a pussy. Lottie's gone now and you have to man up for your daughter. That's right. You have a kid now. You're a father. A father to a little girl who has no mother. Stop being a baby and man up. Do it for Opal."

I started breathing in and out and pacing some to get me to calm down.

But then I heard something that made me become dead silent.

"You're still gay!" Johannah whisper shouted from a room that was in the hallway I was in.

"Yes mom I'm still gay!" Louis then whisper yelled back.

"But we sent you to the Army to clear this whole mess up."

"Mother." Louis said with a lot of built up anger in him. "You can't just take the gay out of me by putting me through hell and toughening me up like a man."

"Then what should I do?"

"Nothing mom. Do nothing."

"How about we take you to the church? They can help you?"

"Mom!" Louis said a little louder then a whisper. "Don't do that. You can't change me. This is who I am. I like men."

"And this is why I don't ever include you in anything and ever talk about you, because all you do is disappoint me."

"I'm not perfect. No one is. Your perfect little daughter got pregnant and then died at the birthing table."

I bit my lip at that.

"You are no longer welcome to stay at this house while you're visiting."

"But mom. I don't leave for base again for a few months."

"To bad. You shouldn't have said those disrespectful things to me."

I didn't hear anything else but Louis did come out of the room in anger and I guess Johannah stayed in there to calm herself down.

By this time I was sitting on a bench and not pacing around.

I looked up to Louis and Louis spotted me.

"Oh." he said surprised. "Hello Harry."

"Louis." I nodded.

"Well I think I'm going to head back home now. I don't want to be here anymore. Too sad." he lied.

"What home would that be?" I then asked.

He stopped walking and turned to me.

"What?" he asked.

"What home would that be?"

"I don't understand?"

"I heard what happened in there." I said pointing to the door he just angrily came out of. "Jay kicked you out. So what home are you going 'home' to?"

"A warm bench at the park." he said lowly looking down at his feet.

"No your not." I said shaking my head and getting up from the bench.

"What do you mean?"

"You can stay with my mom and I for as long as you need."

"I have to stay until after the holidays?"

"So about two months?"

"Yeah." he nodded. "I can't do that to you."

"Well it's not a problem because I'm off of school until after the holidays as well and we have an extra room for you."

"But why would you do this for me? You don't even know me?"

"Well first off I support gay rights and I will not stand to see one get kicked out into the street and two is that you're Lottie's older brother. Even though she might not have supported your life style, she still wants you to be okay and I want you to be okay."

"Gosh." Louis said looking down to his feet again. "I can't began to thank you enough."

"Well don't. You'll get annoyed of O's constant crying." I joked.

Louis looked up at me and laughed some.

"Well come on. Let's go tell my mom that your moving in."

Louis smiled a tight small smile at me.

I then found my mom and Louis went over to tell his sisters that he's moving out.

"Hey ma?" I asked and pulled her aside so we were alone.

"What's up?"

"So Louis needs to move into Gemma's room until after the holidays, like he'll be moving out in January."

"What?" she asked confused. "Why?"

"Well Louis' gay and his mom does not support it at all. So she sent him to be in the Army to toughen him up and kick the gay out of him. That's also why you and I never knew he really existed. She doesn't like talking about him. So today I over heard them getting into an argument about him still being gay and she kicked him out of her house even though he's still going to be here for a few months. So I felt bad and said he could move in since we have an extra room."

Mom didn't say anything.

"So is that a yes? We can't leave him out on the street. He's Opal's family."

"Well." mom sighed. "I guess he can stay."

"Yes! Thank you mom!"

"But were is he going to sleep when Gem arrives for Thanksgiving and Christmas?"

"He can sleep in my room on an air mattress. We should be close enough by then since I'm staying home with O until he leaves basically."

"Well okay then. Tell him the news and we need to get going."

"Okay. Will do." I nodded and hugged my mom along with kissing her on the cheek.

I then went over to Niall were Louis ended up going after he talked to his siblings and told Louis the news.

Niall was a bit confused but after I explained everything to him he was good to go.

So we then all left Lottie's funeral with heavy hearts but went home to start this new adventure with Louis.


Please like and comment :) ~Ash

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