First Wet Dream

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A/N - This is my first and only wet dream and it was really like a movie because it really doesn't give anything away until like the very end. But Enjoy.

It all started that day when a god fell down to Earth. Nobody knew why he did. But we all knew it was bad when he built a device to make monsters come to life. We knew that we had to stop him one way or another before he destroyed the whole planet. And that is where I come in.

I work as a secret agent that works undercover for any and everything. So when the god fell, they came to me to go undercover as his wife and find out what the password was to not only deactivate the device but also rid him of his immortal power. That way, we could kill him and save our world.

I don't know how I became his wife because there were many other girls that were prettier and more developed than me but I did. He was busy the first week so he didn't try anything and I was glad about that. But that did give me time to find out what he was. He was an Egyptian god that got tired of ruling from the sky and decided to come down and rule. However, not once did he talk about the password to the device.

The second week was a little harder to get through. He had more time so he was constantly trying to get me in bed and I had to pretend like I wanted it. Then before anything happened, one of his servants would come in and tell him it was an emergency. I had to act like it pissed me off but on the inside, I was hella glad.

Half-way through the week, God took me up to the roof of the building we were living in where the device sat. He walked me over to it and I saw a yu-gi-oh card on the pad. I was confused at first.

"Since you are my wife, I want you to pick the monster that will keep these mortals in line," he said. Then he pulled out a book of every yu-gi-oh card ever made. In my head, I knew he wouldn't allow me to pick a low level monster. I knew that before he will even be able to use the monster that we will shut him down. So I picked the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon. As I placed it on the pad, the dragon appeared in the sky. Then we went back inside.

The third week seemed almost impossible to get through. God had been out on his weekly survey of the city so I was alone. I knew that there was no way of finding the password because he didn't write anything down unless it was new laws so he had to tell me. So I was just laying in bed. I was just hoping this job was over already.

Then the door burst open and God walked in with a smirk on his face. I tried to make myself look provocative. I had a bad feeling about that smirk and I wanted to run. But I couldn't. I had to stay and make sure that this mission is completed and he was dead. He walked over and caressed my face.

"I am sorry, my wife, for the long await and interruptions. However, today, there is nothing that will stop us," he said. Shit, I thought. He sat on the the bed and motioned me towards him. I crawled towards him and then he pulled down his pants. "Suck." I got off the bed and sat on the floor in front of him.

I grabbed him by the base and put the tip in my mouth. I slowly slid down his length before coming back up. I did it again but faster and soon I was bobbing my head. He put his hand on the back of my head and I bobbed faster. Before he came, he pulled me away and threw my on the bed. Then he crawled over me.

"Now for the real fun," he said as he pulled my shirt down and exposed my breast. He started to kiss my neck as he pulled my skirt off. I was hoping that somebody would come in and interrupt it. My wish was answered. To door opened to show one of God's servants. Fear showed on his face. "Sorry, my wife, but I must go."

"Whatever," I said, making sure there was anger in my voice. I pulled my shirt up and put my skirt back on. I turned my back on him. He got off the bed and walked out. I waited before I got up to go and see what the emergency was this time. When I walked out to the lobby, I saw one of my colleagues kneeling on the floor with his head bowed. What the fuck happened.

"We found him going through some documents. We think he is a spy sent to find the password and possibly kill you," one of the servants said. After a moment of thinking, God finally spoke.

"Take him to the dungeon." Then he waved his hand away. Before they took him away, I stepped out.

"I'll do it," I said, my arms crossed over my chest.

"But darling," God started but then I sent him a glare. "Fine. Take him to the dungeon."

I walked up to my colleague and stood before him. Then I grabbed him and pulled him to his feet. I gripped his arm tighter as we walked to the elevator. Once we were in the elevator and the doors closed, I released a sigh.

"Why?" was all I asked.

"I heard what was going to happen and knew I had to stop it. What would your fiancé think?" he retorted with a chuckle.

"Thanks, now we just have to find a way to get you out alive," I sighed.

"Fourth floor. There are no guards there."

"Yeah, but if I stop, he will know so you are going to have to go through the grate and jump. You only have one shot. If you miss then you are dead."

"I know." As we were getting close to the fourth floor, I helped him climb through the grate. Then I continued on my course to the basement. When the door opened, I got out and waited for what felt like an hour before getting back on the elevator and making my way back up to the top.

When I made it to our floor, I got out. God came towards me and was about to say something but I just walked by him and into our room and making my way to the balcony. I didn't talk to him for the rest of the week.

Then the fourth week came. We didn't talk much in the beginning of the week. Halfway through the week while we were having dinner when God brought up a conversation that I didn't think we would ever be having.

"It seems that being with you these last for weeks made me fall in love with you," he said. I started choking on my food. "So to show that I love you, I'm going to tell you the password to my device. The password is Anna."

"Just Anna?" I asked, trying to make sure before I did anything.

"Yes, just Anna," he said. I got up from my seat and walked over to him. I sat on his lap and kissed him. I was a short kiss but he smiled.

"You didn't have to but thanks," I said, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I had to. I didn't want you staying mad at me." I smiled.

"I could never stay mad at you for long." That night, as God slept, I contacted the rest of my team and made my way up to the roof. As we made our way to the device, we heard a voice.

"What do you think you are doing?" We turned around and saw God. He looked a little hurt seeing me. I laughed.

"You actually thought I loved you. Sorry, but I'm already taken," I said as I pulled out a ring and put it on my right ring finger. Then I walked over to my fiancé and kissed him. "I only pretended to love you so that I could get the password." With every word, God looked more and more hurt. I looked to the other and nodded.

They pulled out knives and slowly walked towards God. He didn't do anything but back up. I walked up to the device and put the password in. The device started to shut down and I turned around. God was close to the edge of the building. I pulled out a knife and ran towards him. As the knife pierced his skin, I pushed him off the building.

I turned around and we made our way back to the door. Then I felt a sharp pain in my back. I turned my head and saw God standing behind me. Blood rolling down his bottom lip and chin. He twisted the knife and I groaned.

"If I can't have you then nobody else can," he said. I turned towards my fiancé and reached out towards him but my hand turned into dust. He reached out his hand towards me as he softly proclaimed 'no'. Then the rest of my body turned into dust along with God and the dust blew away in the wind. Then I woke up.

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