The Triple Nightmare

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A/N - When I dream, I don't always have nightmares and when I do, I usually don't remember them in the morning. These are the three nightmares that I remember most because they always repeat and I can usually tell when I am going to have these dreams.

First Dream

Within a mental asylum, in a darkened corridor lays a lonely door. Isolated from the rest of the institute. There is a spell placed upon door for whatever inside must not be let out. The spell can only be broken when the door is opened from the outside. All of the staff knows not to open this door. At all cost, to stay away from this door.

One of the newer staff members made her round trip throughout the institute, handing out food to the patients. She came upon the darkened hallway. Weary from her rounds, she forgot all about the spell bound door, and at this point, she didn't care for she wanted to get her rounds done and over with so that she can go home.

She came upon the only door in that darkened hallway. Sighing as this is her last, she opened the door and walked in. However, nobody was in there. Maybe she should have looked. Then she was pulled into the air and ripped apart, she blood sprayed across the padded walls as her body dropped from the ground.

A ghost appeared in the air. A psychotic smile upon her face. She floated down to the ground and walked over to the door that the woman left slightly opened. She pushed the door the rest of the way open and made her way out of the padded room. Finally free.

Perspective Change

I was standing in the parking lot of a mental asylum. I have no idea why I was here but I was. The parking lot was filled with many cars. Different shape, model, color. I had a feeling that I should look behind me so I did. Coming out of the mental asylum was a ghost. The smile on her face made me fear for my life. I ran in the opposite direction as her. However, no matter how fast I ran, she was catching up to me.

(Fun fact! I am terrified of ghosts and the reason that I am terrified of ghosts is because I had this realistic dream that I was in the middle of the desert in this huge group of people watching this concert. However, I wasn't really watching the concert because I was looking around. For what you may ask. I have no idea. But I saw a ghost in the distance with a bloody knife and she didn't care about the other like hundred of people there. She wanted to kill me so I ran in the opposite direction as her and I could never run fast enough to get away from her. Then I came upon this cliff (I don't know why there was a cliff in the desert but there was) and turned around and she was really close. So I either had to jump to my death or die a painful death because she was not going to make it quick and painless. So I jumped and then I woke up. Then I saw a ghost in the corner of the room. I didn't much of it so I turned away to go back to sleep and then my mind finally processed what I saw and then I just freaked out. And that is why I am terrified of ghosts. There is a little more to the story but I'll tell you a different time.)

Second Nightmare

Ariel and I were running down a trail beside a river. In the river behind us was a killer snake. (Don't laugh) We were throwing things at it but no matter what hit it, it would not die. I don't know why Ariel and I didn't decide to run through the forest away from the river but we didn't. We some how knew that this snake could not be killed at all. An immortal snake that was after us. We even tried throwing a knife at it but it did not work and we just ran for our lives.

Third Nightmare (Yeah, I know the last one was short but that was literally all I dreamed up for the killer snake)

Ariel and I were in our living room trying to close this egg that had hatched a baby snake. We don't know how it got into our bag but it did and it hatched in our living room. Ariel and I tried to put the snake back in it's egg and close it but it was hard to get close when we knew that the snake was the offspring of the killer snake from before. We even had a stick to try and put the snake back in when it slithered out.

Then we heard something from our kitchen. We turned around and saw the ghost from earlier in our kitchen. She still had that psychotic smile on her face. An idea came to me. I turned around and grabbed the snake, making sure that it didn't bite me, and threw it at the ghost. At first, the snake coiled around her when it made contact with her. Then she ripped it off and started to choke it.

However, since the snake was immortal, she could not kill it. Then the snake bit her but since she was a ghost, she could not die again. So it was back and forth between the two. The ghost would choke and hit the snake and the snake would bite her. And they stayed there battling each other for eternity. Then I woke up.

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