The Monsters

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A/N - I don't know why I call them the monsters but I do. I guess you could see it as me meeting with the monsters inside of my head but you know... Enjoy

I looked around the hallway. Looking for children that were skipping class but there was none. They were all in the cafeteria eating. I was one of the teachers that worked here. Stratton Elementary School. However, there was one problem. I was a teacher here at the age of 14. (I had this dream when I was 14 and the only reason I remembered it was because I was the youngest teacher and my dream said I was 14. I don't know why.) As I was walking the halls, I decided to go outside.

It was dark outside so it must have been night time and snow was falling down from the sky. covering the ground below in white. I looked off to the parking lot and saw my mother. She was standing there in the snow, waiting for somebody. Waiting for me. Her breath came out like a fog and I was scared to walk towards her. Something was pulling me back. Stopping me from advancing but I did anyways.

I walked across the snow covered ground towards her. Why she was standing in the middle of the parking lot, I have no idea. It was empty. Making me wonder if maybe I was the only one working tonight but that was odd. There must have been other teachers inside.

Finally, I made it to her. Her back was towards me and it didn't seem like she was phased by my presence. I just stood there for what seemed like a minutes. Staring at her back before I finally got the courage to release my voice.

"Mother," I called out. She turned around to face me with a smile on my face. I started to cry. "Mother, I don't want to do this anymore. I want to come back and live with you. I'm only 14 years old. I can't do this. I need you." The tears wouldn't stop now but she still smiled even after seeing me cry.

"You can't. You can do this. You don't need me. Goodbye Ann," she said. Then she turned around and started to walk away. I ran after her but no matter how fast I ran, I could never catch up to her walking pace. Then I tripped and fell. As I raised my head, I watched as mother walked away and disappeared before my eyes. I sat up and started to cry harder. I didn't want to be alone but here I was, out in the dark as the snow fell. Alone. Forgotten even.

Finally, I stood to me feet and made my way back to the school. Crossing the parking lot to the glass door. I turned and looked at the spot where my mother disappeared for the last time and then opened the door and walked in.

However, I wasn't in the same spot as I was before. Instead of the hallway before me, It was a rectangular prism room with a staircase that spiraled upwards. I worried about what would be at the top but I discarded those thoughts and made my way up the stairs.

It seemed like forever before I got somewhere. I saw a light at the top of the staircase along with a hand-rail. As I came closer to the light, I only peaked my head above the railing in case I need to run away. What I saw was a bright, cozy room filled with monster. There were 3 couches and a window with a curtain behind them. On the three couches were five monster. Each a different color.

As I stood there and stared, the yellow one saw me and smiled. She got up from her seat and motioned me towards them.

"Hello, Anna, we have been waiting for you for a long time," the yellow one said. Then the red one spoke up.

"Took you long enough." I turned to look at all of them. I had many questions that were never voiced.

"If you ever need us, we will always be here for you. You can come anytime you want," the yellow said. I felt so warm and happy here that I didn't want to leave. They cared for me and wanted me here but I knew that I had to leave.

I made my way to the door on the right, in front of the stair. Before I opened the door, I turned and looked at all the monsters behind me. They waved at me and a few said 'goodbye'. I turned back to the door and took a deep breath. I turned the knob and exhaled before slowly opening the door. Then I walked through the doorway, shutting it after, without taking another look behind me. Then I woke up.

A/N - This one always hit me hard probably because I have abandonment issue and to kind of see that one day I will have to leave my mom or she will leave me just kind of hit me hard. Also, I could never get back to that dream, even during the darkest of times when I was feeling low and when I need them most. And then I started to resent them because they told me I could come back but no matter what I did, I couldn't. So now, I think that if I saw them again, I probably would shot them in their knee caps before shooting them in the head. Just saying.......
Sometimes, I like to think that they didn't actually care about me. That they only said that because in the dream I was abandoned and I needed somebody to say that to me. But really, they were just keeping over a monster inside of me. Making sure that she didn't get out. It seemed that if I thought that way, it would be easier to kill them next time I saw them. Easier to let them go and not get emotional when they are gone. 😔 Weird... Huh.

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