Killer School #2

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A/N - This one is more choppy because it jumps scenes a lot so try and keep up. Enjoy.

It was a dirty, dimly lit room. How it wasn't dark was beyond my imagination but you could make out the six soldiers standing around the room. They had come to Centennial High School because the high school was holding their annual killing spree and the soldiers was supposed to stop it but got trapped in this room.

They tried everything to get out of it but there was no escape. As the leader was talking to one of the subordinate about trying to find a way out, one of the soldiers leaned against one of the walls. His hands in his pants. Barely protruding past the line on the ground that he could not see within the room.

As he leaned against the wall, there was a faint sound of machinery working behind the wall but he didn't pay any attention to the sound. Suddenly, a small section of the wall started to make sounds as it started to move. It slowly started to protrude from the rest of the wall. Almost unnoticeable.

When it was about a foot or two away from the wall, it stopped. How the soldiers didn't notice was also beyond my imagination. Then a saw came out of the extended wall. It split through the air vertically, following a straight line rapidly. Before the soldier leaning against the wall could do anything. He got his fingers sliced off.

The other soldiers took notice of him as he screamed and pulled his mangled hand from what was left of his pockets. He stepped forward onto the line and the saw came whirring back. Slicing him in half. The other soldiers started to scream and trying to find a way out of the room. No use.

The screams of the soldiers in that killer room could not be heard in the outside world. As they were mangled, decapitated,smashed. As their intestines were ripped from their bodies, their eyes gouged out, as they were being scalped. Nobody could hear them die within five minutes of that room. Not one soldier made it out alive.

Perspective Change

As I had walked the school on the day of the annual killing spree, I came to the thought of not killing somebody during this whole event. On my journey of keeping away from any human at all, I came across an old man who had lived in the basement of the school for years. Since the first day of the annual killing spree.

He said that he would help me get through the day without killing anybody. That he can show me the tricks of the killer school that wouldn't hesitate to slaughter you any moment. That is how i ended up here. In a corn field (Which I don't know why it was in a school but okay. Thanks imagination.) with the old man, Chloe, and Ariel.

"To get through this corn field, you have to follow my move carefully. One wrong move and you will die," the old man said. Then he started walking across the corn field. Ariel was behind the old man, Chloe was behind Ariel, and I was behind Chloe. I tried my hardest to follow their footsteps.

However, I couldn't keep up and in fear of making a wrong move, I ran all the way back to where we started, not caring if I stepped in the right place or not. I just ran as fast as I could back to the start before it could kill me. When I made it back to start, I turned around and looked at the 3 ahead of me.

I took a deep breath and sprinted after, trying to follow the path that was laid out for me as best as I could. As I was running, a giant wall rose from the ground so I made a sharp turn right. Then another wall rose from the ground. I took a left. Wall, left, wall, right. It was almost like a maze and I lost track of where the other three was at.

Perspective Change

I was standing in the gym of the high school close to the boy's locker room. I stayed where I was because I knew that one wrong move and I would kill either myself or somebody. Some girl ran past me and started to climb up the wall where the doors for the boy's locker room was. I took a step back and accidentally stepped on a pressure plate. Spikes burst from the wall the girl was climbing on, killing her. Suddenly, an announcer walked into the gym with a microphone.

"Hello everybody and welcome to the annual killing spree. This was a great competition between those who kill and those who were killed. Now, the winner of this competition is anybody who killed somebody. The prize is death," he said. Then the CreepyPastas burst through the gym door and started killing people.

"I'm going to die," I said as I started crying. I walked up to the announcer. "I didn't mean to kill her. It was all an accident. I just stepped back and then spikes came out of the wall. I don't want to die."

"That doesn't count. You have to willingly kill somebody to be killed. You are perfectly fine," he told me and walked away. I felt so much better that I was not going to die even though I didn't fear death. I looked around the gym and saw the old man one the south floor. (Is it south or north floor. I could never tell. I was always bad with directions. Oh well.) I jumped over the spiked wall and landed on the floor. Then I started running towards the old man. 

Spikes came out from below me but I jumped to the left. Then spikes came down from the ceiling and I rolled left. Spikes came out from below me again but I jumped forward towards the old man. Before I could make it to the old man, he was ripped from his spot by Slenderman. I grabbed onto the railing and gritted my teeth.

I grabbed a frying pan that magically appeared next to me and jump down. I ran towards the old man and Slenderman. The old man was being held by Ticci-Toby and Hoodie. Masky was standing in front of his, about to kill him. I ran up to Masky and hit him as hard as I could with the frying pan. I hit Toby and Hoodie. Then I take defensive stance in front of the old man. Holding the frying pan in my hands as tight as I could.

"If you wanna kill the old man, then you're going to have to go through me before you can get to him," I said. Ready to fight against the CreepyPastas. Then I woke up.

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