Don't Leave Me!

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"Maan, is Nozomi mad at me? I did give her time right?" Eli pouted. She was with Maki and they were in a fastfood that was nearby to where Nozomi's house is. "Probably best if you should still give her space. That's what I do to Nico." Maki replied and took a small sip of her drink,"I'm getting worried...she doesn't cut off communications suddenly without a reason...there must be a reason aside of being mad at me which I don't know what, there has to be other reason!" The blonde then grumpily took a bite of her burger and the redhead sighed deeply.

Well, she is meeting with that guy right? Maki thought and felt pity at the blonde who doesn't know a thing. It will be very bad if she knows so this is probably for the best. Eli's mom had told her all about it and was ordered not to tell Eli just yet for it will cause much chaos.

"We should visit her!" Eli stood up and Maki blinked in surprise before she stood up also to stop her,"Whoa whoa whoa! Not so fast, tough guy, Nozomi might get mad at you more you know!" Eli sighed once she realised it and sat back down again,"Then I will just visit her tonight then and ask her why she would 't contact me." "Yeah, it is best to just send her a text message first before you go there." The blonde nodded,"I'm really worried..." She then faced the glass window and her eyes softened,"I wonder how is she...I haven't gotten her answer yet..." Maki's eyes softened as well and felt sorry for her. "Don't worry Eli. She will answer you, I can feel it!" She smiled gently and Eli just nodded.

~That night~

Footsteps quietly moved at the back of Nozomi's house, it is Eli and she was struggling hard to reach the upper part of the house, she is doing what she did long ago, it wasn't easy because unlike before, the walls became soft-looking and hard to climb but she didn't back down from this, and then she heard a loud yelp of pain coming from Nozomi's room, she then looked up with her wide eyes. 

Nozomi! Her mind and heart are now alarmed and so much worry ran inside her head, and in a swift, she hurriedly climbed up and finally reached the window, she then sat on the windowstill and saw Nozomi sobbing with a door closing behind her. Nozomi...

She then tapped the window and it caught the purple-haired's attention, surprising her,"Elicchi!" She said in a soft but sharp whisper before she hurriedly opened the window,"What are you doing here?" The blonde entered and faced her,"I was so worried about you so I visited you. Are you okay?" She then saw a bruise on Nozomi's cheek which made Eli's eyes narrow,"Who did this?" Nozomi blinked and then touched her bruised cheek,"Oh? This? Nothing." She chuckled nervously,"I kinda tripped myself."

Nozomi, I know you didn't...why are you hiding it from me? Eli thought with sadness before she sighed,"Nozomi, tell me the truth." The purple-haired went silent and the blonde eagerly stared at her. Not before long before Nozomi's tears fell down and then tackled the blonde with a complete sob. Eli's eyes widened in surprise and stumbled back, hitting her behind on the bed,"N-Nozomi, what happened?" "I'm tired!" Her voice cracked a bit and it was inaudible to the outside, the blonde's eyes then softened and then gently wrapped her arms around Nozomi's waist, pulling her close, her one hand went up to Nozomi's back while the other moved to the lower back,"It's okay, I'm here."

"Please...please don't leave me!" Nozomi's voice muffled because her face was buried on Eli's chest, the blonde smiled and closed her eyes, embracing the other girl tighter in order to make her feel safe,"I won't leave you."

The Last Petal [EDITING]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt