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hoseok's pov;

"so did yoongi make a move on you yet?" i asked, changing the subject.

jimin's face brightened, as if he had been waiting for me to ask.

"yes! he asked me out on a date. i didn't think it would ever happen but it did." jimin gleamed as his smile never dropped.

i found myself smiling back at him, seeing his crescent eyes twinkle made my stomach churn.

"you should monitor the date for me!" jimin offered, clasping his small hands together.

i shook my head vigorously, not wanting to intrude on his special moment.

"no no no. you have to come! you know, just in case something happens and i need your help." he pleaded further. i felt myself giving into his puppy face.

"fine. you are paying me, so i have to do it." i replied, obliging to his pleas for me to tag along on his day with yoongi.

jimin let out a string of giggles before nodding his head. his hands cover his mouth as his cheeks puffed up. i felt myself falling for his laugh, just a bit. though i decided to shake off the unprofessional feeling.

i wouldn't want to get fired so early on in my career. playing it safe was the best route to follow through. besides, what would he think of me if i had taken a liking towards him while trying to get him together with another man?

i shuddered at the feeling and watched jimin closely as he continues to talk about his day. it's not horribly to secretly enjoy his presence, right? what he doesn't know won't hurt him. good thing i tend on keeping these unfamiliar feelings a secret.

a/n; short chapter, sorry guys ://

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