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jimin's pov;

i stared at hoseok's number, my finger hovered over the screen of my phone. i finally pressed call.


"h-hey! it's jimin."

"oh hi! what can i do for you?"

"nothing really. i just wanted to know if you wanted to come over sometime?"


"not in a creepy way!"


"just do you want to come over?"

"oh uhm sure."

"ok ill text you my address."


i mentally face palmed myself for being so awkward but i dealt with it. sending hoseok my address, i flopped back onto my bed and sat in the silence.

20 minutes later, my doorbell rang.

i answered the door and was greeted by hoseok's bareface. his hair was hidden underneath his snapback and his attire was mostly dark clothing.

my cheeks burned as i suddenly realized that was only dressed in my boxers and a white tshirt. i hid my body with my hands, covering my bare legs. hoseok let out a hearty laugh, his hands went to cover up his mouth.

my lips turned up into a smile before excusing myself to my bedroom. he nodded and stepped inside, looking around at the furnishing.

after i got changed, i led myself downstairs. hoseok was sprawled out on the couch. his legs were dangling off the sides.

"hoseok, do you like pizza?"

"yes!" his head popped out from his place, showing his eager expression. i smiled back at him and dialed the number.

upon ordering the pizza, i sat at the table staring at my phone. i guess hoseok could sense the tension so he sprung up from his spot and sat by me. we talked about little things, such as our lives. i forgot how it felt like to have a genuine conversation with someone. i never had one with yoongi.

speaking of yoongi, i was so lost in hoseok's stories that i completely forgot about my hyung. that was until hoseok brought him up.


"so how's yoongi?"

"it's been okay, i guess."

"is there a problem?"

"oh, i just feel like he doesn't
like me very much."

"why wouldn't he like someone as
beautiful as you?"


i felt a slight blush forming on my cheeks. i was quite surprised by his compliment, but he seemed as if it were normal.

"oh please, i'm not beautiful." i said with honesty. hoseok looked at me in shock, while scanning my facial features.

"i think you are." he said with a small smile upon his lips.

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