When He Trains You

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Joker: "Try again, y/n," he said.

You were trying to pass through a biohazard zone, but kept freaking out. This time you charged through the biohazard zone and shut off the laser grid so Joker could enter. At first you thought he was going to slap you, but instead he patted your head and kept going, leaving you to keep watch while Joker snuck in to grab some of his favorite weapons.

Riddler: You were practicing mind control on a rather dimwitted guard that pranced back and forth in Arkham. After three attempts, you were afraid you couldn't make the tech work, but Riddler advised you to keep at it. This time you were able to not only get control of his mind, but you were able to get him to knock himself out by charging at full speed into a wall. You giggled and went to help him free an old friend of his.

Batman: You were a fast learner, and even more so, you were able to adapt quickly. Bruce couldn't help but find your natural ability to use all the gadgets properly impressive. The more stressful part of it all was figuring out how to use the glider. You wouldn't admit it, but you were a bit afraid of heights. You then recalled something Bruce had told you on your first day of training.

"Use your fear against others, and soon they'll learn to be afraid," he said.

You cleared you throat, emptied your thoughts, and jumped off the roof. A few seconds later, you found yourself gliding across the city. A small giggle escaped your mouth as the lights zoomed past you.

Superman: You were able to do a lot of things easily, but what was harder was filtering out the unnecessary noise of regular city activity. You kept practicing like Clark encouraged you to, but it was still really hard for you. You were about to give up when you decided to try one more time. That time you heard two sets of alarms ringing. One for Arkham, and one for a storage warehouse near the docks of the city. Riddler and Joker are up to something, I know it.

Flash: You didn't have much difficulty with speed and breath, but you did get constantly hungry. It became tiresome just because you found yourself always wanting a burger every 400 yards, but Barry and the others had a great plan. With a few adjustments to the suit, your appetite was more or less normal, but you still ate a little too much. Maybe my metabolism changed or I discovered how much I like food.

Green Lantern: "The energy from the ring will form into whatever you will it to be," Hal informed you.

You were practicing in a simulation room on Oa and couldn't figure out how to avoid the blasters. You kept practicing and would have given up the seventh time until everyone started watching you. You got up this time and actually successfully beat the simulation, walking back to the cafeteria to eat the exact food item you were craving, a 1/4 bacon cheeseburger with curly cheese fries drizzled in barbecue sauce with a Double Gulp size root beer. What could you say? You loved to eat.

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