When You Get Powers

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Joker: he took you to a chemical plant, saying you knew what you had to do, and that you did. You were a bit scared, but ran and jumped into the vat of dangerous chemicals, but when you came up from the vat, you were different. You were stronger and more skilled than you knew yourself to be, and you loved it. You laughed as you crawled out of it and he knew he had a new potential bride-to-be.

Riddler: when you met with Riddler after the text about the surprise, he handed you an outfit he made himself and unique bits of tech that were embedded into the clothes, leaving you to control whatever mind you choose with a gentle tap on the fabric. You loved it and smiled.

Batman: once you met up, Bruce took your hand and pulled you deeply into the cave, making you curious as to the surprise. Your eyes drifted to a secret lair in the cave and on display was an outfit designed specifically for you and you alone with a utility belt for all the weapons he had given you. You found yourself jumping up and down in excitement, slightly blushing about your sudden spur of happiness. This made Bruce and Alfred chuckle as you were instructed on the mechanics of the suit.

Superman: you didn't know what to say as you looked at the tiny glowing green crystal that had been made into a necklace for you. Your mind kept racing as you thought please don't let him get sick or hurt in front of me. Thankfully he didn't, but he did say that with that small piece of kryptonite, you will be able to have his powers. He let you know he'd train you to use them whenever you needed him to. This was the first time in your life you actually felt happy to wear jewelry.

Flash: you stared at the track suit before trying it on. It would make you almost as fast as Barry, but your concern was breath. If you moved too fast, would you run out of breath and suffocate yourself? You asked that and the three scientists said that it shouldn't be an issue since they ran tests for that scenario wouldn't happen. You nodded then tried it on. It felt cosy and as you attempted to just walk normally, you wound up moving so fast that the papers from Barry's file flew out of it.

Green Lantern: you finally put on the ring and was immediately dressed in a green and black jumpsuit. Hal flew you to the central planet for the Green Lantern Corps. called Oa. You recited the oath perfectly and was able to arm wrestle Killowog using your ring. Everyone was shocked that you won the arm wrestling competition and even more so, that you were able to master the ring so quickly. It took you a while to realize that everyone had hopeful eyes on you.

A/N: okay, so I'm running out of ideas fast. Comment some scenario ideas for the next chapter and I'll give you a virtual muffin.

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