Chapter 6:

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Every sixth chapter will be in

Cameron's POV, from this point but

its going to start from chapter 12.

You've heard of the calm before the

storm right? Well, the morning

after Cameron and My Dad's fight

was the calm after the storm. I

woke up to the smell of breakfast

cooking, and it smelt delicious.

Cameron is always so sweet

towards him, and sometimes...

Sometimes I don't feel like I

deserve him all that much. I

wandered into the kitchen,

following the mouth watering

scent, all the agitation I felt

towards him yesterday had

disappeared. He stopped what he

was doing to stare at the door,

when he saw me he broke out into

a smile, I smiled back at him

gleefully, I loved that he was the

first person I saw when I woke up.

So there we stood, in our pyjamas,

smiling like madmen at each other

from across his kitchen. After a few

pauses, Cameron broke the silence

saying "Good morning beautiful,

you look well rested" He rubbed

his stubble, still staring at me

intensely. "You looked too peaceful

to move, but I didn't want to leave

you so I slept down here with you."

That explained a lot of things I

thought. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean

to fall sleep so early, I was just so

tired... Thanks for staying with me


I got up and walked over to him,

hugging him really tightly. "What

time does your first class start" I

asked him. I really loved that he

went to the same College as me. He

was majoring in Film Production so

we rarely ever saw each other in

school most days. He hugged me

back, before kissing my head

lovingly. "In an hour ma, did you

wanna go do something?" He let

me go, to take care of the dishes by

the sink. "I can miss that class, if

you want me to". I shook my

head; hell no was he missing school

for me. He pouted. Before he could

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