Chapter 3:

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It's 2 o'clock.

Cameron and I made plans for

lunch at 1, but he's late. Oh my

God, please don't tell me I got stood


I looked up at the clock in the

centre of the café for the final time,

before deciding to leave with what

shred of my dignity I had left. As

soon as I stood up to leave, I felt a

tap on my shoulder. I turned

unsure of what to expect, only to

see Cameron with a little girl who

was holding a dozen roses. He

smiled shyly at me before saying

"hey" and apologizing for being

late. "Its okay" I told him "I haven't

being here for that long" I

smoothly lied through my teeth.

"Awrh, that's good." He smiled,

visibly relived. "oh yeah, this is my

erm daughter, her babysitter has

the flu and couldn't look after her

today so I had to bring her along,

hope you don't mind.." "No, no of

course I don't mind" I didn't really

ask for the explanation but I

appreciated it. "The roses are for

you by the way" he said nodding

towards the beautiful flowers lying

in the hands of the equally

beautiful small girl.

Over lunch we got to know each

other better, and even though I'm

not really a fan of little kids apart

from my brothers, I managed to

bond with his little girl. Her name

was Kay'lani. I thought she was the

prettiest girl in the whole world -I

told her that so many times- she

looked just like Cameron, it was


After lunch, we went back to his

place and talked some more while

a movie played in the background.

He had a lovely apartment; well

decorated, and it was obvious he

had good taste. Kay'lani dragged

me to her room, and introduced

me to all her toys, it was beyond

cute. I hadn't bothered telling my

Daddy where I was, or who I was

with. Cameron made me feel safe

so I didn't see any reason to, plus

I'm grown!

I ended up leaving around 1am,

and Cameron made sure I didn't go

alone. He dropped me off to my

Dad's apartment when I told him I

didn't want to spend the night. He

was very respectful of me, and

didn't try to pressure me into

more. Truth is, I didn't want to

leave; I loved spending time in his

company. I just didn't want to rush

things or give him the impression

that I was THAT type of girl (you

know the ones I'm talking about)

Cameron was so sweet and sincere;

he had goals and was ambitious...

That is something you don't find


When he dropped me off, I kissed

him softly on the lips before

turning to enter the apartment.

Cameron grabbed my arm, spun

me around and gave me a real kiss,

he literally took my breath way. He

laughed at the effect he had on me

before whispering into my left ear

"breathe baby, there's more of that

to come" He walked off, but not

before he blew me a kiss, I waved

as he drove away, convinced that if

given time I could really fall in love

with that boy.

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