It's very rare for my sister to actually stay longer than five minutes in my room, unless I'm absolutely devastated but she never left even after I feel asleep that night.

I woke up to a soft vibrations around my wrist, a weight curled up to the side of my body, so she never did go back to her own room. Opening my eyes, I flinch at the bright light, regretting the decision of scheduling our date so early. It's summer break for crying out loud!

"Alex, I have to get ready.", I shake her shoulder lightly, a strand of brown hair falling into her face. Her eyes slowly open and she looks at me. "Well, you didn't have to wake me up.", she pouts covering her head with the blanket, ignoring me completely. I shake my head with a light chuckle before getting up to head over to the bathroom.

My watch vibrates again, this time showing a message from my friendly neighbor down the street.

Good morning sleeping beauty, don't regret it too much lol! I'll pick you up in 10 minutes, so chop chop, we'll eat breakfast at the mall. Love you - heart emoji-

I roll my eyes, answering with as much sarcasm as possible and brushing my teeth. While getting ready, Nathan wouldn't stop sending my the same message every 5 seconds.


How about now?


What an overly active child! As I finally reply with "done" and head over to his house, I can't help but grin. He exits his house, smiling as well and launching himself into my arms, pressing a kiss on my lips.

"Ready?", he smirks, leading me to his car and driving us to the local mall which was quite large for the size of our town. He parks the car on the already packed parking lot before walking over to the entrance while holding hands. Even though I feel slightly uncomfortable with the thought of the crowd in there or the fact that I'm here with my boyfriend while dozens of assholes are swarming the area but I hold onto him. He's mine and people should know that.

We enter the huge building with its glass roof, the insides flooded by warm sun light. People are rushing from store to store, either with a lot of bags or children on their arms. Sources of sounds I can't hear, music coming from the stores or from the plugs in people's ears, kids screaming because their parents won't let them have the candy they wanted, laughter at the tables of the little café in the middle of the hall. I'm sick of this silence, of the hectic that surprisingly comes with the quietness.

Nathan squeezes my hand catching my attention again as I look at him, a little overwhelmed. "-food? Are you hungry?", he smiles, pointing at a little food joint in the corner of the hall. I simply nod, following a little behind him, his arm extended towards me and his warm hand engulfing mine.

"Nathan!", I stop, pulling at his arm and forcing him to stop as well. He stares at me puzzled and confused. "What's wrong?", he steps closer with worry on his face. "I love you.", I grin at him, knowing that he's probably even more confused now.

"I love you too!", he smirks, placing a kiss on my lips before pulling me along again. I can't help but keep the smile on my tingling lips, squeezing his hand.

Suddenly, we come to a halt again, this time it wasn't my doing though, Nathan points at something at the outer edge of the mall. I follow the tip of his finger, spotting a little boy with both of his hands at his face, shoulders shivering. "I think he's crying.", I whisper, instinctively heading toward him and leaving my boyfriend standing there.

"Hey, is everything okay? Where are your parents?", I kneel down to be on the same eye level as he is. Kids are the only kind of people I can deal with, their not complicated and easy to handle. The little boy removes his hands revealing red, puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks. I smile at him gently, placing a hand on his shoulder to calm him down.

"Mom said I shouldn't talk - talk to strangers.", the only thing that's harder with children is to read their lips, normally they talk faster and sloppily. "So did mine, I guess we're both breaking the rules right now.", I shrug and grin, scratching the back of my neck. He stops crying, watching  me closely with big blue eyes. "My sister is gone, she left me!", a sad frown displayed on his petite face.  "Oh, I can help you find her, what's your name?", the boy returned my smile, lightening up.

"Timmy and you?", he rubs his face, wiping a few tears away. "Sky. How old are you, Timmy?", he's adorable, I have to say, I really like kids. "But Sky is not a name.", he points upwards to, what I assume the sky itself. "It is, a lot of people are called Sky.", Timmy's eyes widen, like I just said something mind blowing. "Anyway, let's search for your sister.", he nods, taking my hand in his tiny one as soon as I stand up straight, towering above him. I totally forgot about Nathan, who's still behind me, a smug smirk displayed on his lips. Timmy starts pulling me through the hall, I didn't exactly know where he was leading us but he might know where he had last seen her.

Suddenly the boy behind me, aka Nathan, taps my shoulder, pointing at a frantic running girl that slowly closed in on us. Timmy grip on my hand disappears as he sprints towards, what I assume, his sister both of them hugging tightly. Nathan puts and arm around me, smiling widely like he just won a teddy bear. Timmy takes her hand and pulls her back towards us, a wide grin on his face.  "His name is Sky!", he introduces me proudly, still fascinated by my name.

"Thank you so much, Sky. When I saw you with him, I first thought you're going to kidnap him, I literally almost had a heart attack.", she smiles shyly. She looks similar to her brother, the same light brown hair, only longer and cute big eyes. "No problem, your brother is really adorable.", I grin sheepishly, just like the girl standing in front of me with a light brush on her cheeks.

"Uhm... I'm Anna.", I've never seen a girl this flustered before, she couldn't even keep eye contact without breaking it every few seconds. "That's a nice name.", I awkwardly scratch my neck, not quite sure how to talk to someone I don't even know.

"Uhm, can I... Like, have your number? I mean, if that's okay.", Anna shifts her weight from one leg to the other, the blush expanding as we exchange numbers and awkwardly say bye.

I turn to face Nathan again, who watched all of this quietly from over my shoulder. "You're good with kids.", his hand rests on top of my head as he grins at me. "Well, I do have a little sister.", I state, placing both of my hands over his. "Oh right, I forgot about Alex. I only had my cousin who is older than me.", I'm really glad I'm the older one to be honest.

"You're better with big boys then.", Nathan just stares at me, so do I, and it takes a while for me to realize what I had just said. I total shock I cover my mouth, eyes widened just in time for Nathan to burst into laughter. 

"Oh my God! That sounded so wrong-", two arms pull me into a hug, the laughter vibrating against my chest. I feel like doing of embarrassment, hiding my face in the crook of his neck. Good job, sky, you're a total idiot!


Guess who's back!!! It's me, bitches! I hope you enjoy this really fucking long and really fucking weird chapter! Please do comment and vote! And say thanks to LeAwesomeWhale  for inspiring me to pick up that pen again!

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