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Rozu POV

I decided.

That training sucked. It wasn't that I was ultimately bad at it, it was my mindset. See, my body, or this world's body, was bred for the ninja Uchiha mumbo jumbo life. So in my world, my body was exceptional and everything in the physical zone was easy to me.

But in this world, exceptional from "my world" meant crap. Ninjas needed to be soaring. Literally. And without chakra boost, we needed to be able to last for kilometres incase on a mission we were running low on chakra and needed to escape the enemies radar.

So when Fugaku said run a 50 laps around one of the huge training grounds... I just gave an intelligent, "Huh?"

"Did you go deaf or something from Mikoto's yelling last night? I said 50 laps around Training Ground 10. Are you able to do even a measly 15 kilometres?"


I sighed and exited the compound.

Let's get running I suppose.

When I reached Training Ground 10, the first thing I saw was a boy wearing a green spandex my age running laps. He looked up from his heavy breathing and a flash of fear flashed across his eyes.

He looked down again silently.

... He must still get bullied and teased.

I walked over to him.

"Hey... Are you by any chance Maito Gai?"

He gulped heavily and nodded reluctantly.

"Good. 'Cause I needed help." He looked up wide eyed and confused. I grinned and crossed my arms. "You're a Taijutsu specialist right? Well since you train so much, I was wondering if you had tips..." I paused, thinking, then turned back to him and gave him my wildest grin.

"... Konoha's youthful green beast."

He's eyes sparkled.

He straightened and I held out my hand. "Uchiha. Uchiha Rozu. Nice to meet you Maito san!"

He grasped it and shook it furiously. "Thank you for your kind words! You are certainly one of a kind Uchiha chan! I can definitely train with you and give you tips! I Maito Gai, Konoha's Youthful Green Beast is now your ally!" he shouted enthusiastically.

"Great! I was just gonna start running 50 laps, I'm still a beginner you see. What stretches should I do for a warm up?" I smiled brightly.

He smiled just as brightly. "Well you see..."

< Not far away >

Maito Dai stood behind a tree shocked at the scene. A girl, an Uchiha, actually approached his son as a friend. His eyes pricked with tears and he sniffed.

Uchiha Rozu...

< Not too far away also >

Uchiha Obito watched as Uchiha Rozu, the new head's daughter, enter Training Ground 10 and he trailed after her silently. He knew Maito Gai was there and wondered if she would laugh at him like the rest. She entered the clearing and the two made eye contact.

Gai looked down and she frowned, walking up to him, then smiling.

"Hey... By chance are you Maito Gai?"

He looked scared and nodded.

"Good. 'Cause I needed help." He looked up wide eyed and confused. She grinned and crossed her arms. "You're a Taijutsu specialist right? Well since you train so much, I was wondering if you had tips..." She then paused, thinking, then turned back to him and gave him a wild grin.

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