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Calum's POV**

I was sitting on top of my range rover with Micheal, Luke, Ashton and a few girls when I heard shouting I looked to my left to see nearly every girl shouting "WE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!" I tried to see who they were talking to but I couldn't get a glimpse of the person.

"Guys who are they excited about over there?" I asked them all.

They all looked at me confused. One girl sitting on my car holding on to my arm said "oh some girl she moved to London and now she is back and she use to be popular here before you guys all came" she said. See me and the boys missed the first year of school because we was touring and practicing and honestly we could not give a fuck about school! "why?" the girl who was next to me said.  "...because they need to shut the fuck up!" I shouted which made everyone around me laugh.

The bell rung which meant the start of class and we have 5 minutes to get there. I saw all the girls leaving for class surrounding the girl who came back today. "cya babe!" the girl next to me said kissing me on the cheek and jumping off my roof with everyone else "later" I said. I sat on the roof of my car still and lit up a smoke. The bell went again indicating that the class has started.

Bad Boy -Calum Hood-Where stories live. Discover now