Chapter 2

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A/N: Shout out to Asuraider ( for coming up with the next ideas for this book ≧ω≦!

Lucy's Pov:

I was making my way towards the bowling alley, why? Because Natsu asked me there. We'd been talking more ever since that book pick up line incident and I can feel that where getting closer, maybe just maybe he likes me too.



I finally made it to the bowling alley, and I see Natsu. I start walking towards him waving trying to get his attention, but as I get closer I can see he's talking to someone.

That someone is Lisanna, she was smiling brightly and I could make out a blush on his face.

'Of course he would like someone like her, after all look how beautiful she is, not to mention smart' I grimly thought to myself.

Despite my thoughts I still continued to walk closer towards the two, hoping that each step I take will fill me with determination.





Natsu's Pov:

~A few moments before Lucy saw them~

"Hey, Natsu! " I heard a voice I recognized to be my friend Lisanna.

"Hey, Lisanna what you doing here?"

"I saw you and thought I'd say Hi, and what are you doing here? Don't you usually go bowling with Erza or Gray, are they here with you? " she asked while looking around the area.

I could feel myself blush, but tried to will it down.

"U-um I'm with s-someone" I replied mentally facepalming at my stutter.

"Oh *cue lenny face* who's the lucky girl?"

"L-lucy" I whispered but somehow she was able to hear me.

"Lucy? Lucy Heartfilia? The same Lucy who you wouldn't shut up about, and everyone at the guild (A/N: I'm gonna make the guild like a restaurant/pub type thing in here) had to bribe you with fire chicken just so you would?" she asked.

"M-maybe" 'What's up with me and stuttering today?! '

"Well good for you Natsu, I hope this works out then! " she smiled brightly.


"H-hey Natsu, Lisanna" said no other than Lucy.

'Did she see me blush?!! '

While I was silent I guess Lisanna took the initiative to talk to Luce.

"Hey, Lucy what are you doing here? " she asked as if she didn't know. I had to hold back an eye roll.

"Natsu asked me to hang out with him today." replied Lucy.

"Oooooh like a date?"

"NO! er I mean no we're not dating were just friends"

When Lucy said that something in my heart tugged I'm not actually sure, but I think I feel disappointed in Lucy's answer did she really just see us as just friends? What about when she flirted with me in the library, she was flirting right?

Lucy's Pov:


"O-oh well I'll leave y'all to it then. Bye Lucy, Natsu" and with that she left, but I saw here give Natsu a glance before she turned I guess she likes him.

Why does it feel like my hearts breaking? Is this jealousy?

Author's Note: Is this good, I'm not sure. Also I'm not gonna make Lisanna the bad guy in this fic. There's just so many people who forget how nice she is because of the fact people make other fanfic. *sigh* anyway it'll just be a misunderstanding.Well tell me if you like this or not. Favorite, Review, Whatever. Bye~✌

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