Chapter 1

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Lucy's Pov:

"It's finally here!" I gushed, the new edition of my favorite book series just arrived at the library.

I quickly left my apartment, completely forgetting to lock the door. I was so happy I could barely contain my excitement.



As I entered the library I was quietly greeted by my friend Levy who works here.

"Hey, Lu-chan"

"Hey, Levy" I greeted her back.

We chatted for awhile, and talked well about books like the nerds we are. Not to long after Levy's shift was over and was meeting up with Gajeel her boyfriend that I constantly tease her about.

Saying our goodbyes, I made my way towards the fiction section. Hopefully all the copies wouldn't be gone yet.



I'd been reading the book, until I heard a familiar voice.

"Hey, Lucy!" said no other than Natsu. Natsu had salmon colored hair, and if you look hard enough green eyes.

"H-hey Natsu"

You see Natsu also worked at the library, his shift is usually after Levy's. We talk sometimes it mostly consists of him talking and me stuttering.

"I saw you reading that book, and wanted to know if you wanted to check it out. " Natsu asked while making his way towards the check out counter.

While he was scanning the book, my mind decided it would be the time to make itself known.

"Hey Natsu, are you a library book? Because I can't stop checking you out."

It was silent after that, I could practically feel the heat radiating from my face. Grabbing the book, I rapidly walked my way out of the library but not without hearing his goodbye.

"See you later Lucy!"



Crashing onto my bed, I open the book only to smile. Inside the book was a piece of paper that read.

I like books, you like books, why don't we start writing the story of us?

Author's Note: I thought this was a cute idea, hope you enjoyed it. Bye~✌

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