Ruined (Part 3)

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My bad, that last one I named it "Ruined Part 3", When it was (Part 2) this one is (Part 3)

Page 14

Diana's P.O.V.

I wrapped a large towel around Eric Jr as he sung his ABC's, I don't know what version he was singing but I had to keep correcting him.

"Repeat after me, Q R S"

"Q R S", He says after me.

"T U -", I was cut off by someone banging on the front door.

I laid Jr on my bed before walking downstairs and slowly approaching the front door, hoping that it wasn't the police; when I looked through the peephole I saw that it was Eric and quickly opened the door. He ran inside and slammed the door closed before locking it and pulling me upstairs.

He turned off all the lights and stayed quiet until the sound of all the police cars faded away.

"Shit", He says before walking out of my room and into the restroom, I followed behind.

"What happened, I say as I walked towards him; he had cuts, bruises and was out of breath.

"Ren set me up", He says as he stripped down to nothing and turned on the shower.

"What you mean?", I ask.

"He threw a party to distract me and call the police for the reward money on us; we have to leave tomorrow."


"There's no buts about it, we leaving tomorrow so pack your shit or stay yo ass here."

I sighed as I grabbed the first aid kit and started wiping his face, he smacked my hand away.

"I didn't ask you do that shit, I told you to pack", He says before getting in the shower.

Of course he's still mad, in my opinion we're both wrong but I feel worse cause I didn't even do it to get back at him; I did it cause I wanted to feel O'Shea again.. Sick I know.

I walked out of the restroom and put some night clothes on Jr before lotioning him up and putting him to bed in his room; I packed a lot of his clothes because I'm not leaving him again.

I walked back in my room and laid down trying to keep from crying but my tears wouldn't stop; I hate when Eric's mad at me, I don't know why but it hurts.

I heard the shower stop and closed my eyes; a few minutes later Eric walk into my room and turn off the light.

"You not sleep", He says as he laid beside me.

Next update coming up next 💋❤

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