Home Sweet Home? (Part 2)

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Eric's P.O.V.

"How the fuck did you know my name?", I questioned.

She froze. "Huh", She says as she slowly looked up at me.

"Huh my black ass, you heard me. How do you know my name!?", I shout.

"Y-you told me"

"I didn't tell you shit", I say as I approached her.

I continued. "Who are you?", I ask.

The bitch jetted right pass me out of the restroom, I ran out but ran into a cop with the gun aimed directly at me.

"That bitch set me up"

"Damn right hands where I can see em!", The cop shouts at me.

I slowly started to put my hands up before quickly pulling my gun out, he shot me in my chest and I fell on the ground, I quickly crawled behind a shelf of chips.

I looked at the wall and saw a picture of me and Diana that read "wanted".

"Shit", I think to myself.

"Come out with your fuckin hands up!", The cop screams.

I sucked my teeth. "Its a nicer way to say that sir", I say as I cocked my gun.

I listened as he creeped behind the shelf with all the candy and chips on it; I quietly crawled to the other side before picking up a glass of beer.

I looked to the back and threw the glass at the back door, when he turned attention to the door; I jetted out of the front exit and ran to my car before getting in.

"You stupid mother fucker, I saw you go back there with her!!", Diana screamed as she roughly hit me.

"Chill 12 here!!", Shout as I pushed her off and pulled out of the gas station.

Her leg shook rapidly as she looked out of the window with her arms folded.


"Fuck you", She says cutting me off.

I sighed, "I'm sorry."


"Hm", I answered.

"Ask me if I give a fuck"

The whole ride was silent, it took a couple of hours, but we finally made it back to my mother's house in Compton.

I turned off the car and we quickly ran to the house; all the lights were out but we proceeded to bang on the door.

"Patricia!", I shout but still no one answered.

"Its not that late so they all can't be sleep; why aren't they answering the door Eric", She says with a frown.

"I'm on the same porch as you Diana, how the fuck am I gonna know?", I say as I stugged to find a unlocked window.

"Eric stop cursing at me"

"Diana shhh, I'm tryna concentrate", I say as I looked around for the spare key.

"Don't fuckin shhh me!", She shouts.

"Well shut the fuck up and wait in the car!", I shout.

Her eyes slowly watered as she looked at me before walking to the car and getting in the back seat.

I lifted the doormat and picked up the spare key before leaning up and unlocking the door.

I walked inside and turned on the light, "Nooooo no no Fuck!", I shout before looking around the whole house.

I walked outside and closed the door back before walking to my car and getting in.

"They moved, the house is fuckin empty."

She stayed quiet, I turned and saw tears streaming down her face.

"Get in the front Diana", I say frustrated.

She ignored me; I climbed in the back seat and pulled her to me.

"No", She says pushing me off.

"Diana now is not the time for you to trip; I have a fuckin bullet in my chest and they asses just up and left."

"Do you just not give a fuck about what you do? You fucked her while I was outside waiting for you.... How could you do that to me?", She says looking in my eyes.

"I'm sorry.. I know it was wrong and trust me it won't happen again."

"Please just... Stop talking to me", She says as she laid down on the car seat.

She continued. "Now I can't even see my baby", She says as her breathing increased and tears fell more rapidly.

I hate seeing her cry and this time its my fault, I put my hand on her arm and she moved it off.

"We'll find them" , I say as I climbed over the car seat and started the car.

Time to visit the homie...

Some shit finna pop off you know, so I hope ya excited 😆😇 vote and most definitely comment what you think and what you think is gonna happen. 😍

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