The Plan

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Diana's P.O.V.

We drove and drove and drove; sometimes even taking turns driving. We made it from Hermosillo in Mexico to Phoenix in Arizona and kept going.

"Shit", I say looking inside of the big duffle bag Eric had filled with money.

"What?", He questioned.

"Its only $250 in here", I answered.

"Damn", He says as we parked in a parking lot of a gas station.

"What are you doing", I asked.

"Shhh I'm thinking"

He slowly looked up at me before handing me $20.

"Go get 20 on pump 1."

I looked at him. "What ar-."

"Can you please go get it", He says cutting me off.

I sighed and got out of the car before walking inside.

"20 on pump 1", I say as I handed the 20 dollar bill to the guy; he set up the pump and before I knew it I saw Eric run inside with a mask over his face yelling.

"Gimmie all the money in the register", With the gun pointed at the cashiers head.

"Oh shit!", I screamed before running out of the gas station and filling the car up with gas.

I got in the car and my leg shook rapidly as I waited for Eric, he quickly ran out with a bag full of money and got in the car.

"Did you fill it up?", He asked.

"Yeah and what the hell was that about", I screamed.

"We had to get money somehow", He says before pulling off.

"Here", He says before handing me a honey bun.

I smiled. "Thanks", I say as I opened it and bit it.

"This ain't gone be enough for to make it all the way through Arizona and to my moms house in Cali so we gone have to do something."

I looked at him. "Okay", I say as I held his hand tight.

3:00 AM

I leaned up and it was dark with only street lights on, I saw Eric wasn't in the car and started frantically looking around.

Shortly after I calmed myself, someone opened my car door and I screamed before seeing that it was Eric.

"Ugh damn you", I say as I hit him.

"Don't fuckin do that!", I yelled.

He laughed. "I'm sorry damn."

"Where the hell are we", I asked.

"Still in phoenix", He says as he helped me out of the car.

"No I mean like... Where are we?"

He held my hand and walked me to this beautiful small house with trees surrounding it.

He walked me inside and I saw some Hispanic guy laying on his couch and watching TV.

Eric walked to the TV and turned it off.

"Ayee man", The guy says as he leaned up.

"Nigga", Eric says he walked me over to the couch.

"I'm just playing but damn this her?", He asked.

"Yeah", Eric says with his arms around me.

"Damn", He says looking at me.

"Who is this", I ask Eric.

"This my boy Toker, he knows all the ends and outs of Florida", Eric replied.

"Okay so why we here?", I asked.

"Y'all niggaz been on the run a couple of months now, and I'm pretty sure the pigs done shut down y'all bank accounts and shit by now."

"Okay and?"

"You didn't tell her?", Toker asked.

"Tell me what?", I questioned.

"Uh... We gotta rob a bank."

What the fuck is he thinking...

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