Peaks and Valleys

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The sequel to Project Smile is up, and it's called Peaks and Valleys!

I'm so excited to be writing this continuation of Cassidy and Gabriel's story!


Gabriel Lancaster has had his fair share of ups and downs, especially throughout the last four years of his life. He's improved since his junior year of high school, but he still feels as if he's stuck in between the dark depths of his depression and approaching recovery.

Cassidy Evans completed Project Smile four years ago, but she knows she still has work to do. Though she knows that her boyfriend is doing a lot better, she can't help but worry for him, which takes a toll on both her schoolwork and her mental health.

As they walk together through the peaks and valleys of life, they know that they must persevere and never leave the other behind. But as tension keeps building and time continues changing both of them, will they be able to make it through? Or will this finally be what tears them apart?

{Trigger Warning: This book deals with heavy topics, such as depression and anxiety, as well as mentions of a suicide. If any of these topics may make you uncomfortable or distressed, please do not read or be very cautious.}

Thank you guys so much for reading, and I hope you enjoy reading this book as much as I'm enjoying the process of writing it!

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