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I shift in my seat nervously. It's Thanksgiving break, and Gabriel has invited me over for dinner with his family. Apparently, they've been wanting to meet me for a long time. Though I really do want to meet his parents, I'm afraid that they won't like me I'm afraid that they'll say that I'm not suitable enough for their son, and that terrifies me.

   I am now sitting in my car, right in front of Gabriel's house and looking up at it. In all honesty, I've been dreading this big time. I even asked Pete if I could just stay at his apartment for a little while, just so I could prepare myself. Then he made me leave, saying that being late wouldn't make a good first impression.

   He's right.

   I need to get out now.

   Biting my lip, I brush off my red long-sleeved shirt and jeans, the nicest pair I own. Finally, I make sure that there is no mud on my boots. Though there isn't I still feel like I'm missing something.

   It's times like these that I inwardly curse myself for being a tomboy at heart.

   Taking a deep breath, I finally open the car door and step out.

   As I walk up to the door, I begin going over everything I want to say to Mr. and Mrs. Lancaster. I know that I want to begin with "Hello, nice to meet you," but I have no idea what to say from there. I've never really dated a boy long enough to have a meeting with his parents, so I have absolutely no idea what to expect.

   I guess I'll figure it all out in a few moments.

   Finally gathering up enough courage, I raise my fist and knock on the door, shivering slightly. The night is cold, but not enough to make me shake like this. Stupid nerves.

   Is this how Gabriel feels all the time at school?

   The door opens, knocking me out of my thoughts. I look up quickly, expecting either the man or the woman that I've seen in all of the pictures in the Lancasters' living room. But it's Gabriel looking down at me. He's dressed nicely tonight, with a nice blue button-down shirt and jeans. When he sees me, a small smile immediately makes its way across his face. I smile back, holding up my hand in a small wave. "Hey."

   "Hey, stranger," he jokes, waving and opening the door wider. When I begin to step inside, he pulls me into a tight hug. I hug him back tightly. "Cass, you're shaking," he murmurs, not letting go of me. "Are you alright?"

   "Yeah, I'm fine," I reassure him quietly, rubbing his back.

   "You know that you don't have to do this if you don't want to, right?" he says, pulling away and looking at me.

   "I'm okay, Gabriel. I promise. I really want to meet them." I give him another reassuring smile as he grabs my hand.

   "Alright," he says softly. "And before we head in there, I just want to tell you that Abby's here, too. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier, but her parents weren't going to be home to celebrate this year, so we invited her."

   "No, don't be sorry. I've been wanting to meet her for a long time." It's true. Ever since Gabriel gave her the nickname Cassidy 2.0, I've wanted to talk to Abby and thank her for helping him out when I couldn't because of distance or no phone signal.

   If I could describe the new house in only one word, it would be comfortable. It's a little smaller than the Lancasters' previous residence, but it seems more homey. I'd prefer to live here, too. I can also see why Gabriel would rather stay here than in an apartment of his own.

   The second I step foot into the living room, I hear an unfamiliar voice call out, "Is she here?"

   "Yeah," Gabriel laughs. "She's here."

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