Seth showed just how strong he was when he got to his feet with me clinging to avoid falling. He glanced down at Ethan. "Kneel on the floor," he demanded and I was mildly surprised by how quick Ethan complied.

It wasn't completely unknown to me that Ethan and Seth indulged in some light BDSM, and I knew Ethan was submissive at those times, but it was another thing seeing it happen. In real life, out of the bedroom, Ethan was anything but submissive. He was the one that made the plans; he was the one that had every detail of his schedule mapped out only allowing a little wiggle room. Though it irritated Seth, Ethan insisted on paying for everything too. I always saw it as a control issue, but maybe that's why Ethan let loose in the bedroom because he couldn't outside of it.

"Sit on him," Seth said to me as he withdrew his support from my legs. I let my legs fall from his waist and allowed him to turn me towards Ethan.

I took a step forward, but Seth reached around from behind me and captured my chin. He turned my head so that my body was still towards Ethan, but my face was facing Seth. "As much as I'd love to take advantage of that mouth of yours, I'm gonna take a backseat for a little while."

When I tore my gaze away from his mouth and looked into his eyes I could see the intense passion there, even before I noticed the muscles under his shirt rippling with restraint. "You should take your shirt off," I said.

Seth lifted my chin, forcing my eyes away from his chest. He gave me a cheeky grin and said in a fake girl's voice, "My eyes are up here."

I snorted and rolled my eyes. "If you were trying to mimic my voice then that was just horrible! You sounded like a dying pig. Besides, I don't have that problem so I know for a fact I've never said that to anyone."

"When have you ever heard what a dying pig sounds like?" Seth paused and tilted his head, frowning. "What the hell do you do in your free time?"

"Ha! What free time? I definitely don't kill pigs when I have it though."

Ethan chuckled from his spot on the floor. "Really, because with the way you eat bacon—"

Turning my head, I gave Ethan my best 'leave-my-bacon-out-of-this' scowl. "I haven't had bacon in months. It's too expensive!"

Seth pushed me forward and helped me straddle Ethan's lap on the floor so that my legs were between his back and the couch, all the while continuing our banter. It was something I was thankful for. It really settled the mood and brought our group dynamic back. Instead of all the pent up sexual tension—on my part mostly— it was an easy, teasing atmosphere that lasted for a good couple of minutes.

And then I realized how close I was to Ethan. The front of my body was plastered to his naked upper half and every time I laughed my hardened nipples brushed against his chest. I could feel the metal of his jean's zipper against the slightly damp 'v' between my legs. The rough material created subtle friction that I hadn't noticed until I shivered from the last laugh. It left me practically panting. When one of his large hands clutched the side of my hip, my staccato breathing accelerated. It didn't go unnoticed by either Seth or Ethan.

"So," Ethan started as he stared into my eyes. "Hi."

He meant it playfully, but I was drowning in his evergreen eyes. "Hi," I whispered. "So, a kiss?"

Ethan nodded and leaned forward to place his warm lips against mine. It was a kiss like we'd always given each other: when we said hello when we said goodbye.

"That wasn't what I was talking about," I said, casting my eyes down, worried that this situation might not work as well as I hoped it would.

Ethan's hand, still clutching my waist, pulled me forward so that my back arched and my face was within inches of his. "A warm-up," he said.

V for Virgin!  [M/F/M - 3rd Draft]Where stories live. Discover now